Question, are not all these tasks so simple to solve, that
they dont need any further explanation ? How deep should we
sink in all this Internet-Googelitis, that we need help for
all & everything ???? Next we have to explain what a glue
means, what digits to use when holding a piece of a pencil,
to mark a wrong note. Have we become so insecure about basic
things in life ? Are we so much depending on repair persons
? For most simple things ?

I have not studied the trade, but if something is wrong with
e.g. an instrument, I have a close look & try to understand
the mechanics. In the example of a spitvalve, there is a
holding mechanism (plate) equipped with a cushion (soft)
like small piece to close a hole in a tube. This mechanism
is held on place by a spring. So if the small soft cushion
is lost, the hole cannot be closed properly. There is no
replacement in reach. Just taking a soft small disk (easily
self made of any flat, firm but also soft material like
cork, rubber, plastic or whatever, no other tools to involve
than a sharp knife or scissor or razor) & attaching it to
the closing mechanism will help for longer than a moment. If
no glue (plastic glue, instant glue or similar) is in reach,
keep the mechanism blocked by a rubber band, tape,
insulation tape - all be found in a household, or does the
modern household just consist of four walls & a roof, a bed,
a microwave oven, garbage can (if at all) & the Sears
catalogue ??? In the worst case, if nothing properly be
found, take a small piece of toilet paper, warp it
several-fold & place it between mechanism & spit hole,
blocking the whole arm. 

We all have a built-in PC, named brain, - but we should use
it. Things are not THAT complicated. Most things are very
simple. Most problems can be solved in a very simple manner
with a minimum of effort.

But too many are victims of our buy & throw away society or


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of David Goldberg
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 6:25 AM
To: The Horn List
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] Spit valve problem: Ideas?

A slight problem is cutting a nice circle of whatever
flexible material you decide to use; but it doesn't really
need to be nice, just functional.

A related approach to what has already been suggested would
be to use some silicone glue - aquarium sealer is one
incarnation - as the pad.  
Lay a thick blob into the space that used to be occupied by
the original pad.  After it dries, you can slice a straight
surface with a sharp blade so that it seals the hole
perfectly, but it might be more efficient to let the blob
half-dry while keeping the valve open, and then let the
valve close sufficiently so that the blob gets squeezed
enough for it to conform to the correct shape.  I never
tried this, but it seems simple and can't-miss.

        {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
        { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                  { Ann Arbor Michigan }

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