I don't know how many of you remember when Jeff Smiley and I were the center of controversy back in March, but, I now feel exonerated by the latest addendum Wendel Rider has posted on his website. Wendell has graciously mentioned my name & Jeff Smiley's name for providing inspiration & feedback. I'm impressed with Wendell's blatant honesty, integrity & humility.

Please note that Wendell recognizes that rolling in & out for range development not only gives rapid results for every student, but also improves tone & efficiency, and is a very important concept to teach horn players! Wendell writes, "I now consider this to be one of the most important concepts and methodologies that I can provide to you as a horn player."

Wendell's approach is quite different from Jeff Smiley's, but I believe it will benefit many as it's based upon the same simple concepts of mechanics. To read his latest addendum, go to his website, http://www.wendellworld.com/html/HornBookSamples.html scroll down to the purple box on the left, click Addendums & Extras. In the preface to the addendum is where Wendell specifically mentions my name & Jeff Smiley. Thanks, Wendell!

I hope this is the beginning of some real changes in horn pedagogy. No horn player should have to go through what I went through, but sadly many do. 35 years ago, I was young, talented, concientious, but no matter how hard I worked, I could not break into the upper range. No horn teacher was able to help me. I finally found help a year ago from a trumpet teacher in Garland, TX who had the guts to break with tradition & put his unorthodox ideas in writing. I now enjoy playing the full range of the instrument as I continue my growth & development, thanks to Jeff Smiley! Balanced embouchure did not provide me with a "quick fix" or a "short cut" to the upper range. It's still hard work, of course. But Balanced Embouchure provided me the keys I needed to open the door to upper range development.

Valerie Wells, balanced embouchure student

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