Peter Hirsch says:

I may not have made myself clear.

I can verify that I certainly am a crabby old guy

        Oh, quit bragging already. <g>

It seemed to me that I had been reading the same digest over and
over again. I mean, not just quoted and re-quoted, but the same digest with
the same messages and the same dates.

Are the digest numbers the same? For example, I got this post in vol. 57, issue 7. If the numbers are the same, then you are seeing multiple copies of the same digest. Then you get to figure out why you're seeing it twice, though, since the listowner says you were sent only one copy, it appears the problem, if there is one, is on your end. Otherwise...

Maybe I'm losing it in my dotage (the
shock of turning 57 on the exact semi-centenary of Brain's demise may have
hastened this), but I just wanted confirmation or denial of this from
someone out there on the list.

maybe you're right. <g> As a fellow librarian and friend, can I just call you Geeze for short? <VBG>

Well, now that I have probably further confused and alienated those that I
have already offended and befuddled, I'll leave it at that. And to the
person that implied that I'd be better off starting a new topic, I'll just
assume that she is new on this list since I am sure that the number and
variety of my past postings speak for themselves. You could look it up.

        Again, brag not!

        All seriousness aside, I hope this helps.

                                Howard Sanner
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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