I passed this topic on to the Japanese hornlist and had one prompt response. (Thank you, Meg) There is not much activity these days so maybe few people have seen it yet.

The one suggestion that came up was "ATTEMPT" by Bob Sakuma. I have googled for it in English and Japanese and come up with very little. No comments on this piece except that it was performed (in a number of concerts) , and generally derisive comments on his music (mainly for "anime", it seems).
Anyway here are the links if you want to look further.
(Maybe significantly, the composer's surname is pronounced very much like "Suck Ma" !)

(list of horn quartets)

ATTEMPT (Bob Sakuma)
[Seven Seas Music Co.]


 ●「CONTINENTAL HORNS《Quatuor Olifant(オリフォン四重奏団)》」《NEW》
 Michel Coquart、Lionel Surin、Francois Cagnon、Jean-Pierre Saint Dizier)

フランスのホルン四重奏団《Quatuor Olifant》、2枚目のCD!
ターナー、バルボトゥやヒンデミットなどの定番の四重奏曲に加え、ボブ佐久間の「Attempt」も収録されており、バラエティーに富んだプログラムで す。 パワフルにも艶やかにも奏でる4本のホルンの音色に魅了されます。

「Qualtet No.3」(TURNER)、「Qualtetto No.1」(BARBOTEU)、「Cluster Horns」(JAQUES)、「Hoornkwartet」(DE CLOEDT)、「Sonate für vier Hörner」(HINDEMITH)、「Concertino」(MITUSHIN)、「Attempt」(SAKUMA)、「My one and only love」(CLARK)

標準価格 2,625円
(if the above is garbled it's because some of it's in Japanese.)
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