OK, I'll rephrase my statement:
Can the intonation, response and sound of a Conn 8D be altered to suit a  
particular player's desire to play better?  Yes, it can!  Do I despise  bad 
sounds from a French horn?  I most certainly do!  Do I want to  hear good horn 
playing from people?  Yes, I do!  Will I do my best to  try to help anyone who 
inquires to play better, either by teaching them or  helping them with their 
equipment?  Yes, I will!  Do I want to sell my  products to such people?  Yes, 
do!  Do I think my products and/or my  teaching are the answer to everybody's 
problems?  No, I don't.   Am I passionate about the horn and the music that can 
made with it?   Sometimes, I have my doubts! 
Ken, didn't you mean "Tubris?"
In a message dated 2/2/2008 1:01:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I agree!  The computer is one of many useful tools a  maker has at hand =
better his design!

That being said, I roll  my eyes when I read statements like:

"Can a Conn 8D of any era  be=20
improved?  Yes it can!  Try one of our  pipes and  flares on one and see! =

This is NOT an Objective thing... horn  playing, and horn design are a =
mix of
objective design (the length  needed), and subjective response - (which
tapers feel right).

I do  believe you can make a pipe which makes the horn feel different, =
but  to
make a claim that you can make a pipe that will always make it  =
To me that sounds a bit like Hubris.
As I always tell my  customers, if a maker or technician tells you he has =
'answer' to  your problems, he is simply trying to sell you something.
Albeit with good  motives in mind. =20

Ken Pope

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     
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