William Gross wrote:
Any one care to recommend a reference book I could haul a long to
rehearsals.  Something that would be useful in figuring out more obscure
performance notations, etc.  Something that I could conveniently toss in my
kit bag to have handy "just in case."

Get on Google. Click "more". Click the third line down, "Books".
Click "Advanced Book Search".
On the top line (prompt: "with all of the words") write "music dictionary"
On the "Search" line below, click "Full view only"
Back on the top right, click "Google Search"

You should then see a screen filled with complete texts of many music dictionaries. You can download them as pdf files or as text files and print them out, or if you have some whizbang pocket internet connected telephone on your person, or if you record the digitized texts on a fancy mp3/mp4 player/e-book, then you can look up all the words you want wherever you are.

Paulatinamente, Slentando, Schulgerecht, Schmachtend, Fregiato, Fistula Pastoralis, Capolavoro, Ghirbizzi, Gedackt, Gedent, Gedicht, Gefahrte, Gegenbewegung etc., et al., ... all yours. All this on a little chip smaller than the crud cake in your mouthpiece. What a world!

David Goldberg

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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