
539 OrbView-3 scenes of the rest of Mali (from USGS) have been added,
for a total of 1464 images over the whole of Mali. The acquisition dates
range from 2003 to 2007. (2005 to 2007 for Northern Mali).

Best wishes,


Le 15/04/2012 22:32, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Hi,
> 925 Orbview-3 scenes are now included in this same TMS layer. Each scene
> covers about 200 square kilometers. When there is an overlap, the most
> recent image goes on top.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> Le 14/04/2012 18:07, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> A first batch of a hundred OrbView-3 scenes over Northern Mali / Azawad
>> has been included in the same layer.
>> The process is on-going to include more images (there are 900 cloudless,
>> L1Gst processed scenes over this area).
>> Best wishes,
>> Jean-Guilhem
>> Le 11/04/2012 21:26, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> The OrbView-3 images for these three towns are now integrated in the
>>> Tile Service at the same URL previously given
>>> (i.e.:
>>> for JOSM:
>>> tms:http://osm.arkemie.org/cgi-bin/tiles/1.0.0/mali/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
>>> and for Potlatch 2:
>>> http://osm.arkemie.org/cgi-bin/tiles/1.0.0/mali/$z/$x/$y
>>> )
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jean-Guilhem
>>> Le 08/04/2012 13:56, Frédéric Bonifas a écrit :
>>>> The google doc is already updated, and 3 Orbview3 images can be used
>>>> for the cities of Anefis, Andéramboukane and Aguelhok :
>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiGw62ddccqhdEZ4Vi1hVmRKNmVseHpFOWVrdWR2Nmc
>>>> Best
>>>> Fred
>>>> Le 8 avril 2012 13:41, Frédéric Bonifas <fredericboni...@gmail.com> a 
>>>> écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have updated the Mali wiki page to emphasize the need for imagery
>>>>> and what can already be mapped :
>>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2012_Mali_Crisis#Things_to_do
>>>>> Best
>>>>> --
>>>>> Frédéric Bonifas
>>>>> +33672652807 skype:fredericbonifas

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