Hello Hot members,

There has been a major earthquake in northern Iran.  USGS has two
earthquakes recorded, a magnitude 6.3 and a 6.4.  Here are the links for
the relevant information.

BBC:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19226500

USGS:  http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usb000bupa#summary

OSM Permalink to the 6.4 epicenter (the 6.3 is right near here too):

There is good imagery for the majority of the affected area and a lot
needing to be traced.  I will be starting right at the epicenter and
working my way out from there, starting with roads and then going on to
buildings.  BBC says that several small villages have been completely
destroyed so mapping buildings in these areas will help responders with
damage assessments.  Remember to update your data often to avoid conflicts
when editing.

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