On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:59 PM, David Schmitt <da...@black.co.at> wrote:

> Hi Pierre,
> thank you for working on the Task Manager. It is an important piece of S/W
> in- and outside of HOT.
> On 2013-01-12 21:18, Pierre GIRAUD wrote:
>> The most important (new) things to notice are:
>>   - tiles can be accessed in a read-only mode,
>>   - with this in mind, tiles url (in the address bar) can be used to be
>> shared to someone else. This might be useful to use a tile as reference
>> in a discussion between mappers,
> That was something quite confusing about the task manager: you had to
> login to do *anything*. I see on the dev server, that it's still a
> requirement to login to browse the tasks. Is this really necessary? It
> would be nicer if a login would be *only* necessary for "write" actions,
> like locking/commenting ?

You're right. Accessing a tile in read-only mode shouldn't require a login.
I'm not sure a user should be able to access a job without being logged in.

>    - you need to explicitly lock the tile before working on it,
> So I can load and edit things without locking? To my engineering mind,
> that sounds like a recipe for conflicts. I do not understand the use case.
> Is there a workflow, where one needs to lock the task, but not load it into
> an editor? That would be better served with "lock", "lock and load".

User may want to see it in an editor before they want to lock the tile to
work on it. But I agree that conflicts may happen if users forget to lock
the tile.
On the first round I tried to display the "load in editor" buttons only
after a lock, then decided to show them after selection. I can change it
back easily if this sounds better.

> With my UX head on, "lock" also sounds very technical and forebidding.
> Perhaps "Work on this" might be more inviting. Also in the history "Locked
> by ..." does not describe what's happening. "X started to work" or "X
> reserved the tile," might be more to the point.

Terminology is important. I agree.
I'm happy to share ideas about UX. This is something I'm really sensitive

In MapCraft they're using the following words: "take", "abandon",
"reserved", "freed", "owner".
I'm open to suggestions if others have any.
Otherwise, I like the "Start to work on this", "X started to work on this".

> BTW, would it be possible to get a link/integration to one of those
> whodidit services? Not everything that happens in a location is going
> through the task manager.
> https://www.google.com/search?**q=whodidit+openstreetmap<https://www.google.com/search?q=whodidit+openstreetmap>

Can you elaborate how you see this integration?

>    - comments are now required when marking a task as done or
>> (in)validating one,
> What should users put there? Thinking back to the tiles I did, I can only
> remember one or two tiles where I felt a comment was required.

Maybe a comment is not really required when marking a task as done.
In my opinion, it's required when invalidating though.

>    - users have access to the tile change history.
> Which surely helps making comments more useful. But required?
>  I'm not sure how important the locking is when an advanced user wants to
>> (in)validate the work done on a job.
>> How about allowing validation without any lock. Or maybe we should
>> rethink the validation process.
>> Any thoughts?
> I think locking is important when the workflow "expects" the user to write
> to the tile.
> Regarding the question of motivating people to re-take tiles for
> validation, this too (like "lock") might be a problem of the used word:
> "validation" sounds academic, important and of high responsibility. As a
> arm-chair mapper with only very little knowledge of the task's background,
> it is not my place to *validate* edits. Perhaps call it "second-pass"? That
> could lower the barrier. Also, I'm of the opinion that the data-user (in
> all of OSM) has to do her own validation to see whether the data is up to
> the required accuracy for the intended usage. Again this is not something
> someone from the wider community can do. Third, real validation can be done
> in batches, where much more than a single tile is pre-loaded into josm,
> background tiles are downloaded in batches and then quickly checked. This
> would not require locking or loading through the TM, but only invalidating
> or accepting the checked tiles.
> Best Regards, David
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