Hey everyone,

As you may know, HOT is currently mapping infrastructure in Mali. In flat
rual areas, there are
some 'highways' (unpaved ground) that are very close to each other (up to
~100 meters ) that all lead to the same villages or destinations.

Here is one example: http://binged.it/Y2XLqR

We have generally traced these like we have with GPX without satellite; one
average trace of the possible paths (since no one way is really more
important thatn the others). So we would like some sort of tag to add
additionally to not that in addition to being a highway=whatever this road
is not a simple centerline, but rather just an average and you shouldn't
try to follow it exactly (or necessarily expect to be able to follow it
exactly). As Andrew Buck in #hot noted, 'they are useful for understanding
the level of economic development in the area since they are sometimes
caused simply by the lack of someone actually building road (although in
most cases it just doesn't even make sense to build one)'.

Do you have any suggestions of how to tag these ways ?

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