HI Joseph, I'd be interested in seeing this research from at risk
assessment angle.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Joseph Pollack <
josephrichardpoll...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Hotties,
> I've been periodically (every 3-6 months or so for 3 year) been posting in
> crisis mappers and HOT about using UAVs for mapping and other stuff. I'm
> really happy you guys are now talking about it!
> I've been looking at low-cost UAVs for a while now, and I think that
> technology has reached the maturity whereby we can instrument a rig with
> sensors for a total cost of less than 5 thousand dollars. Which means we
> can basically start shipping these to wherever VERY cheaply, with a HUGE
> impact! This is the state of technology TODAY imho.
> I'm immensely keen to contribute in substance to a white paper, a focus
> group and so on. And I'm even more keen to start actually fundraising,
> buying and instrumenting these in my back yard, at the lab or wherever, and
> to start shipping these to groups that can use them. I know a couple, and
> I'm sure you guys know of more that could use something like this.
> Civilian-led high-res imagery for civilian-initiatives : it's the crowd
> watching over itself - we're already here! Let's make this happen. Kindly
> consider me a ressource for however you're deciding to run with this. But
> let's run with this most definitely!
> Warm Regards,
> -Joseph.
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Heather Leson
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