Hi Severin and all others,

Although I practically stopped working on OSM in CAR, I am still following the 
list and read your
Wiki-page-style how-to with interest (reading it I realised I didnt make any of 
the errors you
mentioned which is nice :) ). I hope to be able to contribute more in the 
coming months. Its nice to
see so many people emergency-map for OSM (Yolanda etc), and I hope some will 
start to work on other
areas as well which are hit badly by crises of a not-so-obvious nature.


Am 14.01.2014 19:24, schrieb Severin MENARD:
> Hi Nick,
> Thank you for your email. My answers inline.
>     Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 13:48:00 +0000
>     From: Nick Allen <nick.allen...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:nick.allen...@gmail.com>>
>     To: HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>
>     Subject: [HOT] Validation queries
>     Message-ID: <52d29d10.6010...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:52d29d10.6010...@gmail.com>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
>     Hi,
>     Would you like me to join in with the validation process? I am
>     experienced in mapping OSM, but am fairly new to regularly mapping HOT
>     projects.
> Would be great! Thanks for the proposition! Indeed you have contributed a lot 
> in OSM. Mapping HOT
> projects is not very complicated, as you saw with the Highway_Tag_Africa
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Highway_Tag_Africa>, it is less detailed 
> then in developed
> countries, at least regarding remote mapping. Maybe the difficulty is when 
> you do not know how
> those contexts look like. A goo way to compensate this is to look for videos 
> posted on Youtube
> (examples here <http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bangui&sm=3>), 
> especially the ones
> taken along road or streets. This is how you figure out if properties 
> enclosures are walls, fences
> or hedges, what is often a cultural feature. Ah, just saw you mapped some 
> wall enclosures (eg here
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/27564988#map=19/4.41952/18.51870>). They 
> actually are buildings
> (houses) under construction. It is frequent in developing countries that such 
> works last a long
> time or even be abandoned. 
>     I'm responsible for some of the mapping in
>     http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/72, as well as trying to change some of the
>     more obvious 'highway=track to highway=residential or unclassified etc..
>     or it may be easier to check what I've done using my OSM profile
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tallguy/history#map=13/4.4168/18.4936&layers=N
>     How much validation is actually needed / done? Is it a proportion of the
>     whole task, or just until you are confident that, all things considered,
>     the task is fulfilled? You're never going to get 100% as some things
>     boil down to opinion about what the images actually are of, but the vast
>     proportion is pretty obvious.
> This is something that still needs to be settled and documented. I would say 
> a validation is about
> both identifying mistakes/mapping lacks and standarzation/consolidation and 
> has 2 or three steps,
> related to scale:
> 1. At neighborhood scale, check notably if:
>   * buildings are missing. Sometimes it happens and if actually it represents 
> a consequent number
>     of building over a TM task, it can be invalidated
>   * buildings are correctly traced. Hopefully it is not frequent, but 
> sometimes mappers made
>     really coarse outlines that do not respect either the buildings 
> proportions or angle. More
>     frequent are mappers that do not know how to square the buildings. In 
> this case, after having
>     checked what is their preferred editor, I generally send a message to 
> their OSM message box to
>     give them the tip to do it
>   * highway tags are correct. This is what you described. Some mappers put 
> tracks wherever it is
>     not a main road considering it is not paved, but this is not a meaningful 
> criteria in these
>     developing countries considering 99% of roads are unpaved. 
>   * road geometry. Some mappers do not put enough details and other too much 
> (eg a node every 10
>     or 20 m even if the road is straight). First case is quickly corrected 
> with the (magical)
>     Improve Way Accuracy mode in JOSM; second case requires deleting extra 
> nodes when they
>     actually make weave a straight road. 
>   * start/end of roads. Some mappers are experts of giant snake roads or loop 
> roads, Requires to
>     pass the mouse over the streets to see their extent and cut them where it 
> makes sense. On the
>     contrary, some streets or roads are sawed without any reason (same tags 
> for all the sections)
>   * general issues of connections between objects. Some that should be 
> connected and those that
>     should not. Requires both Validator and also eye control
>  2. at the town or city scale, it is quite related to the road network and 
> its main highways.
> Having a larger view  to identify the highways that are not simple 
> residential roads. They are
> often larger and frame a larger area or can be a parallel way to main roads. 
> It is also important
> to check where they start and when they stop, what is often not possible to 
> do when you map with
> the Tasking Manager. This is what I tried to do with Bouar
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/5.9374/15.5879>; here are some examples 
> of issues for Bangui:
>   * missing parts of highway 
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/27564988#map=17/4.38964/18.54186>.
>     Looks weird on Mapnik and the check of the imagery confirms the two sides 
> of the road
>     separated by a drain are not finished
>   * road continuity 
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/27564988#map=17/4.38686/18.50796>. The
>     situation here seems weird as well as we expect the 2 unclassified roads 
> to be connected and
>     not joined by a simple path. The imagery confirms that the southern 
> highway looks the same,
>     and should be tagged the same, whatever the tag. The example is actually 
> good as farther south
>     <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/27564988#map=17/4.37643/18.50931>, it 
> changes for tertiary.
>     No reason for this, says the imagery. It should be cut when it becomes a 
> straight road, though
>   * isolated upper-level road sections
>     <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/27564988#map=15/4.4070/18.5068>. 
> Drivable highways cannot
>     be isolated and connected to the drivable road network by paths, they 
> must be connected to it
>   * tagging coherence <http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/4.4333/18.5314>. 
> in this example, the
>     primary and tertiary road are connected by a unclassified road. Same 
> thing between the two
>     tertiary roads. After having checked the imagery this road would deserve 
> to be tagged as
>     tertiary. This obvious example apart, this requires to check the streets 
> width to identify the
>     main ones that needs not to be tagged as residential but unclassified or 
> even tertiary.
> Hope this can help! I had in mind to give some tips and it became a start for 
> a future wikipage :)
> Hope other people will read/discuss/complete this.
> Sincerely,
> Severin
>     Any constructive feedback from experienced HOT mappers is welcomed.
>     Regards
>     Nick
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