
Thanks for your work on this - I like the interface, in particular the ability to see which squares you have worked on, & to be able to select them again - particularly helpful if you realise you've been doing something slightly wrong (I'm sure we've all been there!) & you want to go back & correct it on all the instances involved. Splitting squares - I do it frequently, based upon how long I am likely to be able to map without interruptions. I prefer not to leave a square for someone else to finish off, and my life can have frequent interruptions. My workflow now consists of - select a square, quick look & if there are sufficient features to mean it will take me more than 20 minutes to complete, then split it. There's a very good chance I will manage to do 3/4 of a whole square without an interruption, and I feel better if I've left 3 smaller squares as complete so that a following mapper just has a 'blank' square to work on. .gpx traces & waypoints, and further information. This probably exists somewhere, but I just haven't found it yet, but is there some system for dealing with someone on the ground uploading actual waypoints as opposed to simple gpx traces. When you upload a gpx trace to OSM it strips away any waypoints you may have created. OSMTracker, most gps's & other software can produce excellent information for adding to the maps, such as type of way - primary/secondary/tertiary/unclassified/path etc., waypoints for the exact location of drinking water taps, wells, & road blocks. I'd like to see the squares of a task identified individually such as C:8, similar method to squares on a chess board, and I'd like to be able to see the date the square was marked as complete, and date of validation. If I use Bangui , job 72, as an example, as the distinctions are more obvious, but a similar problem must have occurred with Yolanda as different versions of imagery became available . Since work first started on this task, the Bing imagery has been updated. Some squares have been mapped & validated using one version of Bing, and some with a more recent. If the date information was available, it may be easier & for whoever is validating to mark all squares completed before a certain date for remapping.

We may be better going for a different thread on this until there is some kind of consensus on what is needed. I have my own views. Comments in emails indicate there are more and more mappers getting involved in HOT, and I would like to see us developing our skills so we become more useful to you. I'd like to see the stage reached whereby a large number of mappers for HOT are 'accredited' as validators, and only they are able to validate. It may be that they work as mappers most of the time, and only rarely validate. When there is a large scale activation, such as the Typhoon Haiyan, a message could be sent out to all on the HOT mailing list asking that all accredited validators assist in validating the efforts of the influx of other mappers. I'd like to aim for an area being mapped, and then validated very soon afterwards, with feedback given to the mapper involved. If there are lots of validators working on a task then you need some method of seeing what has been validated, and what has not. I agree that another layer of validation after this, looking at the 'big picture' instead of small squares, is needed to improve the quality of the map information, but the individual square method can improve our abilities as mappers. If someone is validating a square I've worked on, I'd like them to be able to send me a message something like "Thanks for working on square C:8 of task 500023. There are a number of islands in the river of this square, and paths leading to the rivers edge. This may indicate a crossing, but the islands are not showing on the map. If you use relation 18323231, it is possible to draw round the islands, tag them as 'place-island', and add them to the relation - more information on this is available at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:multipolygon. Would you prefer to add these islands yourself so you get the practice, or should I mark the square for further work by another. If I hear nothing from you by 01/01/2014 I will mark the square for further action by another. etc.."

Thanks for reading


Volunteer 'Tallguy' for https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team

Mapping volunteer 'Tallguy' for http://www.openstreetmap.org <http://www.openstreetmap.org/>

Treasurer, website & Bonus Ball admin for http://www.6thswanleyscouts.org.uk/ (treasu...@6thswanleyscouts.org.uk <mailto:treasu...@6thswanleyscouts.org.uk>)

On 04/02/14 08:13, Theodin wrote:
Another idea:

Maybe we could dothe process like Kort (OSM gamification https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kort_Game ) does it. There, several people must check a certain thing and after three sucessfull checks it gets accepted into OSM. That would be like a 2-step validation:
first other mappers validate a tile 2-3 times
second an experienced mapper validates it again blocks it and marks it as done.

But maybe this process is too much work.


Am 04.02.2014 00:38, schrieb Severin MENARD:

    Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 05:46:50 -0800 (PST)
    From: Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com
    To: Pierre GIRAUD <pierre.gir...@gmail.com
    <mailto:pierre.gir...@gmail.com>>, HOT Openstreetmap
            <hot@openstreetmap.org <mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org>>
    Subject: Re: [HOT] Tech WG - tasking manager - workflow branch
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


    Thanks for the update, great to hear about the progress and new
    UI features.?

    So I'm clear, you're talking about

    And by v2, are we talking about this version?

    On validation, I agree it needs a rethink. There is definitely a
    need for validation in some form. But I'd hesitate to remove
    functionality, the current validation without replacing it with
    something else. I suggest we keep it for now, and move on
    discussion of what this should really look like.

From my experience over the last months I would say the validation is two-folds: - by task to review what each contributor did. The green step would be good ONLY IF IT COULD BE INVALIDATED. Currently once validated, it cannot be revert and the task cannot be selected anymore. This is really a pain as some mappers validate tasks that are far for being done. I must also confess I validated one or two tasks by accident myself. Is it not possible to easily remove this blocking feature and make the validation reverted if needed? - over the whole mapped area, to harmonize the mapping and set a coherent road network. For more details, refer to the discussion I had on this list with Nick Allen a few weeks ago. Create a wikipage on this is still on my todo list.



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