Thanks Robert for sharing this preliminary report.  While this may not
be part of your study,
I wonder how is our damage assessment comparable to what others (with
more expertise)
have done like those provided by UNOSAT:

Maybe we can learn from them.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Pierre Béland <> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> In the early days after Typhoon Haiyan, there were  estimations of 10,000
> dead, severe damages and no communications with various remote areas. The
> humanitarian community as a whole needed even  rough estimates of the extent
> and the distribution of the damages.
> The Coordination group where OCHA , US Red Cross and HOT participated right
> from the beginning of this intervention thought that OpenStreetMap should
> contribute to make Damage assesments. The objective was to make these
> assesments from Satellite imagery as soon as these would be available.
> The Red Cross study makes the assumption that the objective of the
> OpenStreetMap crowdsourcing was to make detailed assesments. But you can
> only make rough assesments from Satellite imagery especially when
> atmospheric conditions restrict the quality of the images provided. And a
> simple classification was used (ie. damaged or destroyed).  UAV's (drones)
> or Aerial oblique imageries could have been used to make detailed
> assesments. But this was not part of the established workflow of the
> humanitarian community before Haiyan and such images were not available to
> make detailed assesments.
> Once such crisis are ended, we should surely analyze our actions and plan
> collectively for better interventions in the future. But we should avoid to
> have wrong conclusions about actions taken during this crisis.
> The way the report is written, it gives the impression that imprecision in
> evaluation of assesment is due to the use of the OpenStreetMap community.
> The humanitarian community as a whole did not build before this event the
> capacity to react rapidly, deploy teams and provide detailed post-disaster
> imagery in other ways then through Satellite.
> In the context of this emergency and with the imagery provided, would
> professionnals specialized in damage assesment have scored significantly
> better? Due to the limits of such assesments in the operational context of
> this operation, analysis should be based on the capacity to identify zones
> of high damages and not focus on individual houses. To my point of view, the
> objective of that operation following the severed damages after Typhoon
> Haiyan was to give an early warning to identify zones and not individual
> houses. This would need oblique imagery.
> Thinking about a better workflow in the context of such disasters,  the
> capacity to have more flexibility and deploy rapidly teams when necessary to
> obtain either UAV imagery (drone) or aerial oblique imagery would surely
> give a different response, this either with the OpenStreetMap community or
> professionnals of damage assesment.
> We surely have a workflow to build and establish the role and limits of
> assesments done with aerial imagery in the context of such emergency
> operations.
> We should be careful to make the appropriate analysis and not demotivate the
> OpenStreetMap community who made such a huge effort for this activation.
> The Red Cross study points to the fact that in most cases the limitation in
> damage assesment was the imagery that seemed to show undamaged buildings
> when in reality they had sustained damage. But this is not reflected in the
> Executive summary and in  the Conclusion of the study. This study should be
> completed with a better analysis of the type of imagery necessary to make
> better asssesment studies.
> Pierre
> ________________________________
> De : "Banick, Robert" <>
> À : "" <>
> Cc : Clay impact <>; "Kunce, Dale"
> <>
> Envoyé le : Mercredi 12 février 2014 9h22
> Objet : [HOT] Interim Report: Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Damage Assessment
> Dear HOT Communuity,
> The American Red Cross and the REACH Initiative are pleased to present an
> interim assessment report on the validity of the building damages assessed
> through OpenStreetMap in the weeks following Typhoon Haiyan. You can find a
> print copy attached and a more interactive website version at the above
> link.
> The results were unfortunately negative and underline real limitations in
> OpenStreetMap’s ability to capture these results in the present.
> Neverthless, this report identifies strong promise in the OSM model of
> crowdsourcing and highlights the investments needed to make that potential
> possible.  It’s our sincere hope that funders, NGO partners and most
> especially the OpenStreetMap community will rally around these investments
> so that OSM can play an even stronger and more operationally useful role in
> future disaster responses.
> We are indebted to the US Agency for International Development’s Office of
> Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) for funding this assessment and look
> forward to future partnerships to improve the utility of open data and
> OpenStreetMap in particular for disaster response.
> With all the best,
> Robert Banick, Dale Kunce and Clay Westrope
> American Red Cross & REACH Initiative
> Robert Banick | Field GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì American
> Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006\
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