Hi Robert,

Thanks for this. It's great to have some concrete analysis of what we
did, and the extent to which it's accurate.

Is there a full cross-tabulation available of the numbers for
building-osm-status vs building-true-status? In the report there's a
table of over/underrepresentation, and some other stats, but it
doesn't give me a complete summary of whether our errors were in the
form of "bias" (e.g. consistently labelling things worse or better
than they are) or "variance" (e.g. the labelling tends to be a bit
random). I'd be really grateful if you could provide the full


2014-02-12 14:22 GMT+00:00 Banick, Robert <robert.ban...@redcross.org>:
> Dear HOT Communuity,
> The American Red Cross and the REACH Initiative are pleased to present an
> interim assessment report on the validity of the building damages assessed
> through OpenStreetMap in the weeks following Typhoon Haiyan. You can find a
> print copy attached and a more interactive website version at the above
> link.
> The results were unfortunately negative and underline real limitations in
> OpenStreetMap's ability to capture these results in the present.
> Neverthless, this report identifies strong promise in the OSM model of
> crowdsourcing and highlights the investments needed to make that potential
> possible.  It's our sincere hope that funders, NGO partners and most
> especially the OpenStreetMap community will rally around these investments
> so that OSM can play an even stronger and more operationally useful role in
> future disaster responses.
> We are indebted to the US Agency for International Development's Office of
> Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) for funding this assessment and look
> forward to future partnerships to improve the utility of open data and
> OpenStreetMap in particular for disaster response.
> With all the best,
> Robert Banick, Dale Kunce and Clay Westrope
> American Red Cross & REACH Initiative
> Robert Banick | Field GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì American
> Red Cross
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006\
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