Hi Robert,

The issue is that there is no super good slot in the new agenda and not
everyone filled it again. Best so far is only 5 people tomorrow on Thursday
at 8AM GMT (what is not a good time for America), only max 4 people



On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Banick, Robert

>  Hi Sev *et al*,
> Did this ever come together? If so I’d like to add something to the
> agenda. If not can I suggest yet another doodle and a deadline of next Wed.
> at latest for the next meeting? Just to get things moving.
> Cheers,
> Robert
> *Robert Banick* | Field GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì American
> Red Cross <http://www.redcross.org/>
> 2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Tel 202-303-5017 | Cell 202-805-3679 | Skype robert.banick
> *From:* Nick Allen [mailto:nick.allen...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 08, 2014 3:08 PM
> *To:* Severin Menard
> *Cc:* hot@openstreetmap.org
> *Subject:* Re: [HOT] Activation Working Group
> Severin,
> Sorry, I was very slow filling in doodle - waited until I heard when the
> communications working group meeting would be. I've added my details now,
> but I will probably not be available when the meeting takes place. I will
> forward a few ideas to you before the meeting if I can't make it.
> Regards
>   Nick
> Volunteer 'Tallguy' for
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tallguy
> Treasurer, website & Bonus Ball admin for
> http://www.6thswanleyscouts.org.uk/ (treasu...@6thswanleyscouts.org.uk)
> On 8 May 2014 13:40, Severin Menard <severin.men...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Just figuring out this time slot is actually exactly the same than the
> Communication Working Group! As I guess I am not the only one that would
> like to participated to these two WG, so I reopen the 
> Doodle<http://doodle.com/hpwkwqiregdi7b6i>.
> Maybe propose everyone will confirm there that same day same hour next week
> will fit.
> Sorry for the confusion.
> Sincerely,
> Seveirn
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Severin Menard <severin.men...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> According to the Doodle, the time slot that, by far, suited most of people
> interested by the Activation Working Group is Friday 9 (tomorrow) at 2 PM
> GMT (means 10AM EDT and 4PM CEST), so the meeting on 
> Mumble<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mumble>will happen at that time. 
> Here is the
> Hackpad <https://hackpad.com/HOT-Activation-Working-Group-TlksNOhVdir>.
> Anyone interested, please join!
> Sincerely,
> Severin
> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 2:51 AM, Severin Menard <severin.men...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi all,
> Among the reactivated Working Groups, here is the Activation Working
> Group. Activations are more and more numerous and successful with a
> increasing number of contributors. The results are really impressive, but
> we can certainly do even better.
> As for the Communication Working group (for those interested, please fill
> ASAP its Doodle <http://doodle.com/3545epmy63x72gvk>) we could start with
> a kick-off meeting on Mumble <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mumble>,
> and here is a Doodle to set it:
> http://doodle.com/hpwkwqiregdi7b6i  <http://doodle.com/hpwkwqiregdi7b6i>
> This meeting and the ones that will follow aim at being a time to exchange
> on this thrilling topic, review the experiences, documents, procedures and
> set goals to be achieved for the next meeting. Because yes, a Working Group
> is a group that works, that means between the meetings. And actually, it is
> already happening: eg there are (more and more) people working on data
> validation, both through setting procedures and monitoring the freshly
> created data.
> I see 4 main topics around the Activation (but would be pleased to get
> other suggestions):
> 1. All the *activities* and *documents* involved in an Activation. In the
> past the Activation Working Groups mostly focused on how Activations are
> triggered and start, what we could review based on the last experiences.
> Crisis monitoring is certainly something we could add, in order not to
> forget crisis of smaller range or simply not highly covered by the medias.
> Also technical aspects like: define and prioritize AOIs (Areas of
> Interests) and mapping goals, track and monitor the mapping progresses, and
> set thin, flexible and efficient processes, tools, and wiki templates, etc.
> But also share and document how to maintain and even grow the contribution
> of the OSM contributors and communities, by communicating with them (like
> this Working Group will do), proposing more different kinds of tasks to do
> or setting joint events.
> 2. The *beneficiaries*, that means the humanitarian stakeholders. We need
> both to make them aware of the data we produce and to make the data useful
> and easy to use for them, taking more into account their needs, constraints
> and tools. I got recent feedback from the GIS officers in the UN that I
> will share.
> 3. The *data*. What needs to be mapped is quite known, but how to do it
> to make it as clean and efficient as possible. That links to the mapping
> instructions and the 
> validation<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Tasking_Manager/Validating_data>but
>  also to how the data can be reused by the humanitarian stakeholders.
> There a lot of potential improvements to propose not only raw data but eg
> thematic dataset, what the HOT Exports can already potentially provide (in
> link with the Technical Working Group).
> 4. Last, but really not least is to *make more OSM contributors know* about
> the procedures and tools used to map, monitor, communicate and activate an
> OSM community, and expand the number of contributors in the Activations,
> according to everyone's interest(s). This implies connecting with local OSM
> communities when possible, talk with them and provide them documentation
> and online training. Eg in Lubumbashi after Jorieke's stay, the contact
> with the local OSM community has been maintained and voluntary online
> training has been and will be provided through Mumble. So now, they are
> continuing the mapping (see https://twitter.com/OSM_L) and will take an
> active part on the Mapping in London on Saturday. And if ever a crisis
> unfortunately hits Lubumbashi in the future, they will be able to trigger
> the worldwide OSM community
> Exciting, isn't it? And actually a lot of topics and sub-topics. And some
> are certainly missing. This is why this Activation Working Group will not
> need one leader but several facilitators, who, by their experience, skills
> and will, will make things go ahead on the topic(s) they care.
> Let us make things move on and activate the AWG!
> Sincerely,
> Severin
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