Hi Allison,

You mean those squiggly little lines that go E-W'ish?

They are not rivers or streams. They are roads or paths but that is one of my questions too and the reason I want to make the little reference for roads in Africa.

As sanderd17 mention, how those roads look on satellite imagery can be sort of misleading.

I do not know which they are. I think they are footpaths, hopefully someone will tell us for sure.

Thank you for asking Allison.


On 9/10/2014 12:16 AM, Allison Hoff wrote:
Can anyone tell  f these linear features are roads or rivers (or
something else)?

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Blake Girardot <bgirar...@gmail.com
<mailto:bgirar...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    You might have read in a few emails I was hoping to put up some
    satellite imagery that shows things we often map in W. Africa.

    Originally and still mainly, I wanted some examples of schools and
    roads of different types.

    I am open to any suggestions for things to include and if you find
    any good examples with MapBox imagery please send them my way.

    Or if you find something that you don't know what it is, please
    share it here and we'll get it identified.

    For users of iD, just center on the thing in question and then
    copy/past the url from your web browser into an email.

    JOSM users can click in the lower left corner of their window and a
    location box will pop up, you can just copy/paste the url from that
    box into an email.


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