Just a reminder of our meeting today in IRC on proxy usage. Comments to the
proxy rules draft (link below) most welcome already before that.


On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Jaakko Helleranta / Humanitarian
OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) <jaakko.hellera...@hotosm.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We are planning to have the Voting Members meeting for lowering the quorum
> requirement in our bylaws in mid-October and for the meeting we will allow
> use of proxies for those that can not attend the meeting - so that we would
> ensure to reach quorum (to change the quorum requirement in the current
> bylaws).
> Russ and I have drafted a policy for the use of proxies. We would like to
> get feedback and approval from the Governance WG for the policy after which
> the Board will also give its nod of OK to it.
> The *drafted proxy policy can be viewed and comments suggested in this
> Google Doc
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcwguvHSWaywWrZR8VOoRkWJsE52Hp-EP2QC-uk62fk/edit?usp=sharing>*
>  (no
> registration required for commenting).
> We hope to get feedback to this policy draft in the next two days and have
> a live chat/ *meet this Friday, September 19 at 3 pm UTC in IRC #hot
> channel*. That is, in pretty much exactly 48 hours. All feedback added to
> the document or sent via email by the meeting time will be incorporated as
> feedback for the Governance WG.
> After approving this proxy use policy we will scope the best date for the
> meeting among all of the voting members for about a week and then have the
> actual meeting around mid-October.
> *As a reminder of the background to this:*
> The first meeting of the Governance Working group
> <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/hot/2014-August/005808.html> 
> discussed
> about a month ago that we would aim to hold a Voting Members special
> meeting as soon as possible to change the quorum requirement of our bylaws
> so that we would actually be able to hold Voting Members meetings.
> The meeting is "Special" simply because it is not the General Assembly
> aka. the annual meeting of the organization.
> This bylaws adjustment is an important matter that relates to pretty much
> all other governance issues so I hope that we get this resolved well.
> The Board adopted the Governance WG's suggestion to change the quorum to
> 1/4 as such and is passing it on to the Voting Members meeting (that is
> expected to be held in October).
> From Board's August 2014 minutes
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pHx99-1yyC9km97aSKtd7SUiZCAr-el3yjU3iUG24iA/edit?usp=sharing>
> :
> The Board decided to adopt the proposal of the Governance Working Group
> and send for voting members’ approval the change of the bylaws article 5.6
> to:
> 5.6    Quorum.
> (a) At meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the directors
> then in office shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the
> transaction of business.
> (b) At meetings of the Voting Members, one-fourth (1/4) of the voting
> members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of
> business.
> from their current form of:
> 5.6    Quorum.  At meetings, a majority of the directors then in office
> or voting members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the
> transaction of business.
> Election committee will be gathered from interested community members by
> Jaakko Helleranta & Russell Deffner who will announce the composition of
> the committee to the community with details of meeting arrangements.
> The meeting for approving the proposed bylaws amendment will be arranged
> mainly as voting members’ meetings before with voting online prior to the
> meeting. The use of proxies will be permitted, however (*) with maximum of
> one proxy per voting member present in the meeting. Details on how proxies
> can be used will be written and the details will be separately approved by
> the Board before the explanation will be sent to the voting members.
> With best regards,
> -Jaakko
> --
> Jaakko Helleranta * jaakko.hellera...@hotosm.org
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) * http://hot.openstreetmap.org
> Mobile: +505-8845-3391 (Nicaragua) * Voice(mail) / SMS / What's app:
> +1-202-730-9778
> Skype: jhelleranta * Twitter: @jaakkoh * Personal profile:
> http://about.me/jaakkoh
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