Hello HOTties,


We had another productive Governance Working Group meeting today, a big
thank you to those who participated!  On the meeting's wiki-page[1] you'll
find more detailed minutes as well as the full IRC Log, but to keep this
email short, here are the key outcomes:


1) There was no objection on the final language of the Quorum Amendment to
the HOT Bylaws, this will now go to the Voting Members for a vote (details
on that meeting will be coming soon).

2) The draft Proxy Rules that Jaakko and I drafted were discussed and
amended to a final version that will now be brought to the Board of
Directors for approval.


These are both greatly beneficial steps toward fixing an issue that has
stalled our membership from being able to conduct the business necessary to
grow HOT; thank you again for contributing to the progress.




Russell Deffner


Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)




HOT mailing list

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