First, Bopolu was an example name, I don't remember which it was actually.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <>

> About the nodes Bopolu A, B, C..., I wouldn't condense them into one,
> as doing so we are loosing information on different settlements, or
> parts of the same whole settlement.

​I was trying to make that clear, there is ​no information lost, one big
village, all A-E names near the centre, no separation between suburbs
visible. All UNMIL ids still available. There are many cases where A,B were
in different parts of town but this was not so.

I would better leave them as such, and maybe (that should be
> discussed) tag them as place=neighbourhood, leaving the GNS Bopolu one
> in more or less the centroid of all A, B, C... nodes, or creating one.

​This may sound like a compromise but how real is it? You really think
people call
their neighborhood Cityname B or C?​

> The tag for that node would have to be discussed too. I would bet for
> place=villace...

​Now you ask for the Bopolu node. Wikipedia: "As of the 2008 census, Bopolu
has a population of 2908. Of this, 1547 were male and 1361 female.[1]" OK,
I had a limit
of 2,000 for village in mind instead of 10,000, will correct this.​

> Cheers,
> Rafael.
> On 10/10/14 11:11, Ralf Stephan wrote:
> > A few more observations, probably not new to fellow importers,
> >
> > * often when it seems UNMIL objects are placed in the mid of the
> > jungle, there is an isolated dwelling somewhere * often when I
> > encounter very different GNS vs. UNMIL place names in a hamlet area
> > it's worthwhile to look far outside (1km) for a UNMIL node that
> > matches the GNS node better. Voila, misplaced GNS node found. * for
> > the same reason I always do a final scan of the square, looking for
> > offroad GNS nodes that might match a lone UNMIL node. Usually I
> > find one or two. * this is more controversial. We are told to keep
> > A, B, C or #1, #2 in place names. I don't question that in general.
> > However when I find big villages that have a GNS name (say Bopolu)
> > in the center, and five UNMIL names (say Bopolu A to E) very near
> > to that, then I think it improbable that Bopolu has five suburbs
> > named so, because else the UNMIL objects would be distributed much
> > more evenly over the area. I have condensed it all into one object
> > (with 5 UNMIL ids so the are not lost) in such cases. I have had
> > less then five such cases so far, no worry. But it makes me
> > speculate that most names with additional A, B, C are automatically
> > generated, because I find that the larger the hamlet/village is the
> > more such objects are found.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 7:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
> > < <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all:
> >
> > The Tasking Manager job to import [1] these set of places has
> > being discussed in the imports list, issues have been addressed and
> > the wikis have been written, with a detailed workflow [2] to secure
> > a consistent import process.
> >
> > This job will greatly improve the map for Liberia, and therefore
> > will be of great help for organizations working to control Ebola
> > outbreak in West Africa.
> >
> > As this job is quite delicate, it has been decided to make it
> > private. I've added to the job the same users that were
> > contributing to the GNS merging job [3] + myself.
> >
> > If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
> > please reply to this list to have your name added.
> >
> > For all those that will contribute, please read carefully the
> > workflow wiki [2] and make sure you understand all the steps.
> >
> > Cheers, and thank you very much in advance for contributing,
> >
> > Rafael.
> >
> > [1] [2]
> >
> >
> >
> [3]
> >
> >
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