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Hi, Blake:

I had a look to this example. I also think that in these cases we
should keep both nodes, and if unsure just leave them in their
position, maybe adding a fixme tag. Both names are completely
different, so there must be a reason they are there.



On 27/09/14 14:54, Blake Girardot wrote:
> Hi,
> One other comment I would make on the process now that I have done
> a several hundred nodes is that what looks like two names on one 
> settlement could very well be two separate names for two different 
> locations in the same village.
> For example:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/6.423257/-10.248687
> Amara Village was placed on the buildings to the south and Monden
> closer to the general collection of buildings to the north. Both
> are in the same clan name.
> I am finding it very common for the UNMIL data to name individual
> farms or houses with what sounds like a name and "Village" on the
> end, e.g., "Amara Village"
> In the above example, I strongly suspect the data was naming that
> farm house in the south specifically and the general settlement
> name in the N.
> Just something to think about if you are thinking of combining
> nodes and using alt_name_*
> I also do not think it would be a big deal if they got combined,
> but I hate to lose such nice specific location data.
> The trade off of having two nodes on there instead of 1 node with 
> alt_name_* seems to cause no harm whatsoever as opposed to location
> data lost potentially forever to OSM.
> Blake
> On 9/21/2014 1:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote: Hi all:
> The Tasking Manager job to import [1] these set of places has
> being discussed in the imports list, issues have been addressed and
> the wikis have been written, with a detailed workflow [2] to secure
> a consistent import process.
> This job will greatly improve the map for Liberia, and therefore
> will be of great help for organizations working to control Ebola
> outbreak in West Africa.
> As this job is quite delicate, it has been decided to make it
> private. I've added to the job the same users that were
> contributing to the GNS merging job [3] + myself.
> If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
> please reply to this list to have your name added.
> For all those that will contribute, please read carefully the
> workflow wiki [2] and make sure you understand all the steps.
> Cheers, and thank you very much in advance for contributing,
> Rafael.
> [1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/652 [2] 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_Liberia_UNMIL_Places_Workflow
[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/617
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