I've found picking out rivers and streams to be slightly problematical.  If
I zoom out then I can see a string of green which I assume is trees and
vegetation along the bodies of water.  Could someone knock up a video
training guide on how to pick things out for us city dwellers on You-Tube
or something and how to tag a body of water?

Thanks John

On 22 November 2014 at 21:59, Mark Cupitt <markcup...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All
> The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and
> Prevention (CDC) need all rural Cameroon mapped in response to the Polio
> outbreak and also monitoring and preparing for a possible Ebola outbreak.
> A New task has been created to assist with Round 2 of this project using
> High resolution imagery supplied by DigitalGlobe’s WorldView-2 service
> available on the Mapbox Satellite Layer.
> *http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/777
> <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/777> *
> Please assist these organizations by mapping the following:
>    - villages/residential areas (Polygons tagged landuse=residential)
>    - roads, streets, paths (tag roads according the Highway Tag Africa
>    wiki page)
>    - water bodies, rivers, streams and forests
>    - open areas (not fields, just smooth open ground next to towns) as
>    leisure=common as these are potential helicopter landing sites.
>    - school areas, easily identified as 1 or 2 long buildings at the edge
>    of the village often with two small toilet buildings behind them. The
>    schools are almost always accompanied by a large open area for the children
>    to play in, tag the whole area of the school complex (amenity=school) and
>    trace the school buildings ( building=school) and bathrooms ( building=yes
>    and amenity=toilets.)
> *NOTE: Buildings are NOT required on this Task, but landuse=residential
> will be used to identify future tasks to map buildings, so please include
> all residential areas as Polygons*
> If you have local knowledge, please also identify:
>    - names and boundaries of settlements, sub-places, administrative
>    districts and health districts
>    - medical facilities
> The Polio outbreak in Cameroon has been ongoing since at least October
> 2013. The outbreak continued into 2014, with international spread to
> Equatorial Guinea. In March 2014, WHO elevated the risk assessment of
> international spread of polio from Cameroon to very high, due to  expanding
> circulation and influx of vulnerable refugee populations from Central
> African Republic (CAR). This risk assessment remains in place. Further
> undetected circulation in Cameroon cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the risk
> of virus spreading into CAR is considered to be particularly high given the
> large-scale population movements from CAR into Cameroon.
> Regards
> Mark Cupitt
> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
> Hire Me on Freelancer
> See me on Open StreetMap <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Mark_Cupitt>
> See me on LinkedIn <http://ph.linkedin.com/in/markcupitt>
> *See me on StackExchange <http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/17846/mark-c>*
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