Hi all:

Bing/Mapbox OSM limits seem outdated, at least for Samar island (the one
I checked). Now they cover many more areas of the island.

I modified the limits for Samar, but would be interesting to
check/modify them for other areas that could be affected.



On 04/12/14 01:12, Mark Cupitt wrote:
> Hi Andrew, Thanks great links. I think Maning and I are good candidates
> to lead this, he is in Manila, I am in Negros, down south. 
> I agree and think it will swing towards the north. The track i sent is
> from a site called http://Typhoon2000.com, he has been tracking
> Philippine Typhooons for years and is located in Bicol. (So we may get
> first hand accounts)
> It is also worth watching with Wundergorund as the local knowledge on
> the tracks kicks in.
> I also agree that flooding will be the major issue the way it looks now.
> I will start a HOT Wiki Page today for this with the basics as well. It
> will be somewhere to put all the information in one place.
> Hi Pierre
> Yep, I think the imagery assessment on what is currently available is
> the first step. We can adjust as the track
> Regards
> Mark Cupitt
> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
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> On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Andrew Buck <andrew.r.b...@gmail.com
> <mailto:andrew.r.b...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks for the heads up Mark.  It is definitely good to start watching
> these things as soon as possible and planning the response.  Below is
> a link to Jeff Masters most recent blog post about the typhoon; Jeff
> is an expert on hurricanes/typhoons and his analysis pre-Haiyan was
> what allowed us to focus on Tacloban before the storm even hit.  The
> second link is to the Wunderground tracking page for the storm itself
> showing lots of useful info, and the third link is to the 'Wundermap'
> with the tropical storm layer turned on.
> http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/comment.html?entrynum=2871
> http://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/western-pacific/2014/Super-Typhoon-Hagupit
> http://wxug.us/1m0l5
> According to his reading of the situation, as well as the results of
> the various model runs it is looking like it will be a catergory 4 or
> 5 when it hits the Philippines (Haiyan was a cat 5 at landfall).
> There are some positive signs though: wind shear is expected to pick
> up which will weaken the storm and the waters are not as warm as when
> Haiyan struck; both positive signs.  For us I think the most relevant
> part of the blog is the following:
> "There is less heat energy available in the ocean for Hagupit, and
> wind shear is expected to rise to the high range on Friday as strong
> upper-level winds tear at the storm. Heavy rains, not high winds and
> storm storm surge, will likely be the greatest threat for the
> Philippines from Hagupit."
> Heavy rains means flooding, and it means landslides.  The Phillipines
> is a mountainous region so landslides are a possibility on slopes,
> especially where farming/deforestation have happened.  I would say at
> this point, making sure the major waterways are traced in OSM would be
> the highest priority until we know more accurately where it will make
> landfall.
> This will likely be an event that we end up activating for.  We should
> start figuring out who will lead the activation and start making
> contact with our humanitarian contacts regarding their likely
> response.  Since Pierre and I are still on the ebola activation it
> probably doesn't make sense for us to lead this one, but we can
> certainly offer help/guidance to anyone interested in stepping up to
> lead the HOT response.
> Fortunately we mapped a lot of the potentially affected area during
> Haiyan, but this one looks to be swinging more to the north than that
> one did.  That is good, since the map is pretty good in the north, but
> bad because the reason the map is better is that is where most of the
> population is.
> This is another opportunity to help out.  Let's get to it, and show
> the world what we can do.  :)
> -AndrewBuck
> On 12/03/2014 06:36 PM, Mark Cupitt wrote:
>> Dear All
>> This 280kph Super Typhoon is headed to the Phillippines.  Expected
>> to hit at the end of weekend north of Tacloban where Haiyan Hit. It
>> is approximately the same intensity as Haiyan. This one is going to
>> hurt
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Regards
>> Mark Cupitt
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