Hi Laura and welcome to HOT mapping!

On 1/2/2015 3:14 PM, Laura Green wrote:
Hoping this is the right forum for this question and comment: I'm trying to contribute to 
"#591 South Sudan Crisis, Cholera outbreak in Juba, mapping with WorldView-2 
imagery". I'm not sure I understand the instructions, especially regarding the 

This is exactly the right place to ask anything about HOT mapping.

Might someone be able to clarify the instructions shown on the HOT page please?

I *think* it means (for JOSM users, not sure if it applies to ID):

1) please map roads, streets, buildings, walls, water streams and canals.
2) disregard the automatic imagery that downloads when you contribute, download 
Bing imagery instead.
3) Bing imagery is now aligned correctly (as of date xxx), so please realign or 
redraw vector data to match the Bing imagery.

This applies to ID and JOSM, the task will load WorldView imagery for either editor.

I think you have the directions basically correct, but as I read them now my understanding is this:

1. Start editing a task.
2. Load the Bing imagery (now 2013 images). (In JOSM do not use the alignment database plugin settings, they are no long needed for Bing imagery) 3. Make sure some buildings and roads are mapped correctly using the Bing imagery. Move or map some new ones to match Bing.
4. Then load the WorldView imagery (2014 imagery).
5. Background align the WorldView imagery to match what you just mapped in using the Bing imagery if needed. 6. Carry on mapping using the WorldView imagery after you have aligned it or checked its alignment.


Just make sure you use the Bing imagery as the reference. So you would not do any background image alignment with the Bing imagery. If buildings or roads were not well matched to the Bing imagery you could redraw them to match the Bing imagery.

Once you have drawn some buildings and roads using the Bing imagery, you would then display the WorldView imagery and do the background image alignment to make the WorldView imagery match up with what you drew using the Bing imagery if that is needed. That process is what it means to use the Bing imagery as the reference imagery: You map some with Bing, then align any other imagery to what you mapped using the Bing imagery.

...but I may be misinterpreting the description/instructions.

I’d like to comment generally about the hot task manager 

Unless indicated as "Expert only" at the very beginning of an activation page, I'm assuming all 
activations are for the general public to contribute to? The "whys and wherefores" and technical 
information I feel are often getting in the way of plain and simple  guidance as to what is required, so 
people can just get on with it, and not have to hunt for the pertinent information.  Plainly worded bullet 
points would be ideal. Any "nice to know" information could be provided below this.

You are right on each point here. It is a challenge though with many different people creating directions for Projects. It is too easy to forget not everyone knows what "vector data" is. And there is the issue that not everyone is a native speaker of the language the directions might be written in.

We are working to create some standard sets of directions in English for things like drawing buildings and roads, aligning imagery, etc that a Project creator could _optionally_ choose to use. That will help with some of the inconsistent directions.

Thank you very much for helping map and please let us know if you have any further questions.


Laura Green
osm: LollyMay
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