Thanks for updating the links Emir and Blake. I'm still not used to the
link structure of the new Task Manager.

The sky was very very blue during our time mapping. In the next few weeks
additional roads and paths will be completed and uploaded for Mapillary. We
plan to revisit, using mapillary, a large portion of Canaan every three
months or so and continue to improve the map.

On Thu Feb 19 2015 at 2:46:37 AM Rod Bera <> wrote:

>  On 19/02/15 03:22, Dale Kunce wrote:
> using Mapillary
> <>
> apprently this is a blue sky project... ;-)
> The next step is to capture what's on the ground.
> More seriously, this is an excellent initiative we should consistently
> replicate so as to better know what we are mapping (e.g. the hut
> discussion).
> Rod
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