Thanks for the update on your work and for your offer for more mapathons.
These will be needed for sure as we intensify our efforts in Canaan.

The Red Cross is very committed to ensuring strong connections with the
community. That part of the project is being handled by other Haitian and
American Red Cross folks based in Port-au-Prince. We do want to engage the
local mappers and are working to get some materials translated to better
work involve the local OSM community.

Any further advice or guidance you or anyone else has from OSM-Haiti is
extremely welcome. We will begin out field mapping work later this spring
and will have very large community volunteer presence.


On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 3:21 PM FredM <> wrote:

> Hello Dale, very good initiative to have a massive use of Mapillary.
> For OSM Haiti side, We just finished processing of the drones images (
> February 2015 including infrared). We still have a lot of cleaning to do,
> because we want to extract the land cover and height of the building.
> Concerning Canaan:
> This is an informal area it has been built without the help of NGOs.
> This is a complex organization and it is important to be careful and
> involve
> as much as possible the people not only the leader ( what we can do on our
> side is to organize  mapping ,party/participatory gis, training, if by any
> chance somebody has some budget,…)
> OSM haiti made some training in 2014 for  the red cross in Cap Haitien,
> Mappng party in Cannan :
>  OSM Haiti has done some work with communities (16 meeting) to identify
> blocks over onaville / Canaan. It is important to be able to support the
> process and let the community organizing and thing about the use of this
> space with of course local authority.
> Remote mapping: Let's see if we can organize a mapping party in Paris, to
> support your initiative.
> We will need to use the same image or reference, to be sure we have the
> same
> spatial reference during digitizing.
> All the best FredM
> --
> View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.
> com/Canaan-Haiti-Mapping-tp5834170p5836470.html
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