Hi Dan
I was part of this BBC interview with Harry and Andrew Braye from UK Red Cross. 
This HOT update have a link to the 

This is also listed under 
For each Activation wiki page, we have a media section listing the various 
media updates.

I participated to a few conferences last year presenting the OSM response for 
Haiyan and Ebola that I lead with Andrew Buck, coordinating with the various 
humanitarian organisations and UN Agencies.

Slides from the conferences are available on slideshare
Open Data for Development Challenge, Montreal 
IHTC 2014, IEEE, Montreal
 GeONG, Chambéry, France
Condatos, Mexico
Vision Géomatique, 


      De : Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com>
 À : 
Cc : communications <communicati...@hotosm.org>; hot <hot@openstreetmap.org> 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 25 février 2015 10h34
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Communications Outreach
Hi all,

I think Harry's been on TV about HOT, but I don't think we have
archive copies of it.

For radio, me and Pete did BBC World Service and it worked out well:
I've added that one to the wiki now.


2015-02-25 15:06 GMT+00:00 Russell Deffner <russell.deff...@hotosm.org>:
> Hi Mike,
> Actually yes, several HOTties (that I know of) have done radio and other new
> interviews over the last several years and probably many more that I don’t
> know about.  Not sure all ‘the good ones’ are all linked, but a good place
> to do so is: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Hot#HOT_in_the_Media
> I also heard Steve’s interview and thought it was great, but as you probably
> noticed the interviewer was driving the conversation (as well as getting
> random callers to ask questions, which I thought Steve did a wonderful job
> not knowing what might be asked).  But, for now, the communication wg is
> more about helping us (HOT) drive the conversation, on that same wiki-page
> linked above (our main one) there are also slide-share and other material
> for anyone looking to build a TED talk type presentation – although I don’t
> think anyone has actually done an actual TED talk about HOT or even OSM for
> that matter. But at least Kate and myself in the working group have done
> presentations about HOT before, so we’d be happy to help folks prepare
> and/or look for opportunities although the wg priorities are first just
> setting up some basic groundwork for communication in general.
> Thanks for the input!
> =Russ
> From: Mike Thompson [mailto:miketh...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 9:02 PM
> To: Russell Deffner
> Cc: hot; communications
> Subject: Re: [HOT] Communications Outreach
> Russ,
> These all sound like great ideas.
> Is there a concerted effort to get information about HOT into traditional
> media (radio, TV, etc).  Some of you may have heard Steve Coast being
> interviewed on NPR last Friday about OSM in general, and a similar piece
> about HOT may be very helpful (perhaps this has already been done).  I did
> read the piece in the Economist about HOT and the ebola response, and that
> was very well done.
> Has anyone ever given a TED talk about HOT?
> Service clubs, such as Rotary, are always looking for interesting speakers.
> I am signed up to speak to two clubs in March about OSM and HOT. One may
> only reach 30 people at at time, but every little bit helps! Typically
> members of these clubs are community leaders, and can help spread the story
> once they hear it.
> Mike
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Russell Deffner
> <russell.deff...@hotosm.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> In the past few meetings of the communications working group, one of the
> topics has been how we can help the HOT community tell their stories, and we
> came up with a few ways:
> 1.      We can help get information about HOT, its members, projects and
> activations out through the different "channels" we participate in. Places
> like our email lists, Twitter, Facebook, the HOT website, LinkedIn, Flickr,
> etc.
> ·        We know people are busy, so we would like to encourage anyone with
> news, announcements, updates, requests, pictures, etc. to send them to the
> communications wg; we have people who administrate each channel and we will
> make sure your items get formatted and reflected out across all the
> appropriate channels. Try it, it's cool, send us something at
> communicati...@hotosm.org
> 2.      We can help generate content about your HOT activities. Don't have
> time or don't feel comfortable writing an update or project description to
> share with the world? Send us a short email and let us know! Someone from
> the Communications WG will work with you to create, edit, and/or publish
> your story to the channels listed above.
> 3.      We can also provide editing and review. We are glad to just give
> your item a review for basic corrections.
> How can you help us?
> ·        We need writers! Our community around the world has a lot of things
> to share and we could always use more people to help tell their stories.
> This is a great way to contribute to HOT and get some practical public
> relations experience. We have story ideas just waiting for someone to take
> them up and run with them.
> So the short version is: Please engage with us, send us things you want
> shared with the HOT community or help us tell stories and engage various
> audiences by joining our working group!
> communicati...@hotosm.org
> Cheers,
> Russ, Blake and all the communication working group
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> HOT@openstreetmap.org
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> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

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