Greetings HOT,


Almost exactly one year and one week ago today, I announced my interest in a
nomination for the 2014 HOT Chair position. That being only a short time
after being elected as a voting member, all the while working the previous
year towards drafting the Membership Code and Code of Conduct. Back then I
basically stated (full message copied below for nostalgia) two campaign
'promises': 1) "take this [Chair] position, once lost amongst the
organization's policies. into something of beneficial contribution to our
organization's growth;" and 2) to explore "ideas on how this position can
gently handle any potential disciplinary responsibilities."


Throughout all the challenges I faced and all the things I wanted to see
happen that just ran out of steam or otherwise fell short this year, I am
satisfied with how I performed in my two campaign areas. I think maybe our
most important step forward in 2014 was re-establishing the Chair position,
not just for me to hold, but for the health, relevance and future of the
voting membership. Let there be no doubt, I am no-where near satisfied that
we have achieved a fully functional, mutually established working
relationship between our community, membership and board. However, having a
Chairperson to at least arrange and conduct member meetings was a step in
the right direction.


As we continue to move forward, our voting member Chair not only needs a
balance of tenderness and toughness regarding how we engage and hold
accountable those people we entrust with our organization; we need someone
who will first hold themselves to a certain standard while not weighing the
risk of damaging their electability above addressing problem membership
behavior, including that of directors. To be clear, if re-elected I am
nowhere near to looking at removing any particular member(s) or even ready
to clearly point at any particular event or behavior that needs addressed;
but over this term I have taken steps so that a future Chairperson at least
has some evidence to support why and more importantly how we might do so in
accordance to our Bylaws while being fair to the members, organization and


For those who know me, you know that statement is much tougher sounding than
I am personally; really I'm a bit of a softy and like to consider myself, if
nothing else, reasonable. I have learned so much over the last year and know
that my contribution is only a tiny portion of all that HOT has and will
continue to accomplish. A huge thank you to all the members past and
present, directors and greater HOT community! All told, it has been a
pleasure serving as the Chairperson for the Voting Members and I would be
honored to receive a nomination for a second term.  





Russell Deffner


Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)



From: Russell Deffner [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 11:59 AM
To: 'Jaakko'; ''; 'HOT@OSM (Humanitarian
OpenStreetMap Team)'
Subject: RE: Nominations for HOT Chair of the voting members and Board are


Jaakko and all,

>From the conversations I have with potential candidates off-line and the
obvious slow progress in nominations; I can tell that we all are taking
serious consideration of the effort and responsibility these positions may
entail during this crucial time in HOT's development.

Therefore, I somewhat reluctantly announce my interest in filling the Chair
of Voting Members position to the community.  Reluctantly because there are
so many talented people in this group that may possibly do a better job than
I, and I truly want the best for this organization.  However, I may have
been responsible for 'resurrecting' this position as I found it amongst the
legal jargon of the Bylaws while assisting to write the HOT Guide,
Membership Code, and Code of Conduct.  This may have allowed me a somewhat
unique opportunity to already have thought about, and discussed, the
potential roles/responsibilities this position should entail with leading
members of this community.

I ask that you consider me a candidate for Chair of Voting Members, and I
will do my best to use this first term to take this position, once lost
amongst the organization's policies due possibly to apparent lack of
utility, into something of beneficial contribution to our organization's
growth.  I also have a few ideas on how this position can gently handle any
potential disciplinary responsibilities which I highly doubt will be much an
issue with this wonderful community!

Thank you,


Russell Deffner

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 



From: Jaakko [] 
Subject: Re: Nominations for HOT Chair of the voting members and Board are


Hi all,

This is just a friendly nudge, reminder and encouragement to all considering
running for the board or the Chair to step up for the nomination. As things
are we have the announcement of Heather that she's available and would like
to continue to serve on the board (but no nomination on the wiki) and the
nomination of Mikel on the wiki.

All other board members could let the community know if you are considering
to run for the board. And new candidates are most welcome to step up too.

As for the Chair: Is there anyone who is -- or could be -- considering the
position? It's not much work as the explicit tasks relate pretty much purely
to voting members meetings but it's important for the sound governance of
our organization.

The deadline for the nominations is this Sunday midnight ~11:59:59 PM (PST).

Cheers from Nicaragua,



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