Harry, Thank you for all your years of service to HOT. It has been a
pleasure to collaborate with you. Your balanced realism and ability to
bridge all the conversations. Add to this your constant diligence to
proudly speak on HOT's behalf and lead with the Missing Maps Project.

Your shoes, much like Mikel's, will be large to fill. Here's to honouring
your amazing contributions.

Thank you!


Heather Leson
Twitter: HeatherLeson
Blog: textontechs.com

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:27 AM, Harry Wood <m...@harrywood.co.uk> wrote:

> I will not be re-running for the HOT board this time around.
> I decided it's time to step aside. I have the feeling there is a great
> bunch of enthusiastic members now, so I'm hopeful that I'll be making way
> for some good new talent.
> Thanks to Joseph for urging people to get their nominations in. I'm glad
> to see that has spurred a few more people to do so. Some great candidates
> so far:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Board_Elections_2015
> We'll need a few more people to put themselves forward. If you're thinking
> of it, there's not much time, but I'd be happy to chat to you about it if
> you're not sure.
> And I recommend it! I've served on the board since mid 2011. Over the
> years we've had occasional drama, and other challenges, but on the whole it
> has been a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. More than that, it has
> been a huge honour to be elected into this position of leadership. HOT is
> made up of so many passionate dedicated folks, and thanks to some hard work
> by this team, HOT has an increasingly important place in the world. This
> has been clear to me in conversations with humanitarian groups who are
> using our maps to make a difference. And in such conversations it always
> filled me with pride to be able to say "I'm on the board of HOT".
> We have a few more weeks with the existing board, and some difficult
> remaining things to work on. At the end of this month I'm ready to help a
> new board with taking over. Beyond that of course I shall continue with
> technical, community, and mapping contributions, and representing in London
> as HOT member.
> Harry Wood
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