I decided to not be re-running for the HOT Board this year.

Living in a place where Internet connection is easily disrupted and being
back working in the field of humanitarian operations has been challenging
my availability lately (beyond the fact of being the mother of a young
child, which has been another kind of lovely and lively daily challenge
;-)). However, I do not want my current limited availability to impact HOT
decision processes and that led me to take this decision.

During the coming year, I shall of course stay involved in HOT as a voting
and WG member. I wish to be spending more of my time again on the OSM
community building in DRC across the country and on improved tools for
supporting OSM data use by the humanitarian staff.

I want to thank again all of you who offered me this opportunity to serve
on the HOT board during the last year, it has been a very rich experience
and an honor. I am now glad to see all the motivated and valuable
candidates who have already expressed their interest to be elected. Being
part of the board is not to be taken lightly but it will give you a wider
picture and better understanding of the organization, plus the opportunity
to make HOT becoming better and other voting members voices to be accounted.

I would like to welcome the few ones who might not have taken yet their
final decision, there's not much time left but, from a pure democratic
point of view, it would be really great to have a few additional members to
be running for this election, specially members who've been involved in HOT
for several years. Today March 8th, I'd like to emphasize Heather's words
and encourage more women to become community leaders, directors and active
members of our working groups.

All the best to each of you and looking forward to a new HOT year,


Claire Halleux
Volunteer and Member of the Board
+243 99 256 9980 (Kinshasa, DRC - currently on mission in Iraq)
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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