Dear Pete,

I completely agree with you; and although I'm not sure we'll be able to attend the summit, I'll be very interested to see the outcomes of such a discussion.

We've been organizing small monthly virtual mapping parties for French-speakers for a few months, and although the attendance is not huge, it seems very appreciated by new contributors who can directly ask their questions while they're mapping. It is also a way of making mapping more fun - although less than an actual mapping party of course - and is much easier to organize when you don't have a permanent place to host people. (which is often the case I guess except when large NGOs support the process)

Best regards.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:13:19 +0000
From: Pete Masters<>
To:""  <>
Subject: [HOT] HOT Summit panel / talk proposal
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi all,

I'd like to propose a talk or panel for the HOT Summit on the subject of
large scale, virtual mapathons.

The way the HOT community responds in waves following a crisis, or a
request from an NGO, is incredible. Truly impressive.

The Missing Maps project obviously benefits from this capacity and
commitment and many of you have contributed to Missing Maps tasks.

Missing Maps has had considerable success in bringing new people into HOT
via the tasking manager at mapathons. We think that, at the London Missing
Mapathons alone, we have had over 500 people attending and contributing and
the vast majority of these are new to HOT. At a physical event, we are able
to train and support these new mappers in order to try and maintain high
quality data.

This is great, but we are faced with the problem of scaling this model of
participation. In London, we can't find venues big enough to cope with
demand (last month, 80 places were booked in less than three hours) and we
do not have the capacity within MSF, the British Red Cross and the local
HOT community to significantly increase the number of mapathons we host.

There are more and more Missing Maps events happening independently of
(although supported by) the organisations involved, which is hugely

But, the fact remains that there is appetite for involvement from many more
places than there are mapathons. One of the potential ways to feed this
appetite (and by extension, expand the capacity of HOT) is to organise
regular, large scale remote mapathons, with training, context, tasking and
support built in.

I would love to explore this possibility with you guys and thought the
summit might be a good place to start the conversation. Is anyone up for
joining me in presenting this idea for discussion?

I am not sure yet whether a panel, a talk or a workshop is the most
appropriate and I don't claim to be an expert (although I would love to
share our London experiences with you), so it would be great to collaborate
on this.

If anyone is interested, please drop me a line.



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