
Count me in. I'll be happy to pass on learnings from #MapLesotho and
to learn from others


> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:13:19 +0000
> From: Pete Masters<>
> To:""  <>
> Subject: [HOT] HOT Summit panel / talk proposal
> Message-ID:
>         <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi all,
> I'd like to propose a talk or panel for the HOT Summit on the subject of
> large scale, virtual mapathons.
> The way the HOT community responds in waves following a crisis, or a
> request from an NGO, is incredible. Truly impressive.
> The Missing Maps project obviously benefits from this capacity and
> commitment and many of you have contributed to Missing Maps tasks.
> Missing Maps has had considerable success in bringing new people into HOT
> via the tasking manager at mapathons. We think that, at the London Missing
> Mapathons alone, we have had over 500 people attending and contributing and
> the vast majority of these are new to HOT. At a physical event, we are able
> to train and support these new mappers in order to try and maintain high
> quality data.
> This is great, but we are faced with the problem of scaling this model of
> participation. In London, we can't find venues big enough to cope with
> demand (last month, 80 places were booked in less than three hours) and we
> do not have the capacity within MSF, the British Red Cross and the local
> HOT community to significantly increase the number of mapathons we host.
> There are more and more Missing Maps events happening independently of
> (although supported by) the organisations involved, which is hugely
> welcome.
> But, the fact remains that there is appetite for involvement from many more
> places than there are mapathons. One of the potential ways to feed this
> appetite (and by extension, expand the capacity of HOT) is to organise
> regular, large scale remote mapathons, with training, context, tasking and
> support built in.
> I would love to explore this possibility with you guys and thought the
> summit might be a good place to start the conversation. Is anyone up for
> joining me in presenting this idea for discussion?
> I am not sure yet whether a panel, a talk or a workshop is the most
> appropriate and I don't claim to be an expert (although I would love to
> share our London experiences with you), so it would be great to collaborate
> on this.
> If anyone is interested, please drop me a line.
> Cheers,
> Pete

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