Hi Brad, 
In the mountains areas, there are often only paths between villages, no roads. 
It would help to look with elevation maps to understand the context.
The famous Nepal treks follow these paths. For example, there Langtang trail 
where people are reported lost 
today.http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1269089  I dont know the status of 
the Annapurna trek as of the recent years, but it used to be only on paths, no 
roads for more then 200 km.This link shows Chame on this Annapurna trek. Short 
segment of roads are reported. We should evaluate if there are really roads 
there for these short portions.

If not certain about road status in rural areas, First asssure that cars can 

Where cars can circulate between villages I, would indicate 
highway=unclassified. This still can be used by routing tools but has a lesser 
Anyone to document specificities for Nepal?

      De : Brad Neuhauser <brad.neuhau...@gmail.com>
 À : Robert Banick <rban...@gmail.com> 
Cc : Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr>; "HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap 
Team)" <hot@openstreetmap.org> 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 28 avril 2015 11h46
 Objet : Re: [HOT] Road classification system in Nepal
Longtime OSMer, infrequent HOTtie here, I wanted to follow up with a question 
on road tagging: on the Nepal Roads page, there is a section on Highways in 
Rural & Mountainous Areas which seems to imply that highway=path is usually the 
correct tagging for these roads. Is this correct? 

Also, in rural areas, what is the "default" tag that people can use if they're 
not sure how to classify a rural road/path? I haven't done a huge amount of 
editing on these tasks, but I've seen highway=path, highway=track, 
highway=road, highway=footpath, even highway=pedestrian used. I think the road 
classifications in the task instructions are better suited for urban areas, and 
more guidance for rural areas (where a lot of tracing activity is) would be 


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 7:59 AM, Robert Banick <rban...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,
Kathmandu Living Labs took the time to compile a really useful tagging guide 
specific to Nepal. 
There’s one specific tagging guide for roads here: 
There’s a more general Nepal tagging guide here: 
I would strongly recommend following KLL’s guidelines wherever possible, they 
put a lot of thought into crafting a tagging scheme specific to Nepal’s context.
And for those who don’t know, a galli is an alley. Very useful word in 
Kathmandu :)
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On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr> wrote:

I also saw a lot of inconsistencies. You can try to contact directly Nama 
Budathoki on this list and from Kathmandu living lab in Kathandu.
They have some difficulties and they might not be online. 

If you cannot contact, I suggest that you start to revise.

    De : Arun Ganesh <arun.plane...@gmail.com>
À : "HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)" <hot@openstreetmap.org> 
Envoyé le : Lundi 27 avril 2015 5h49
Objet : [HOT] Road classification system in Nepal
There seems to be inconsistencies in how the roads are classified, with many 
National Highways being marked as trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary and even 
Based on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nepal/Roads#Road_Classification and 
my own experience with roads in India, the tagging should probably be more like 
Trunk National Highway (ref=H##): trunkFeeder Roads (ref=F##): primaryDistrict 
Roads (ref=D##): secondary
used with appropriate surface=* tag
Can someone from the ground make any recommendations based on practical use? 
There does not seem to be any comprehensive documentation of how the existing 
tagging scheme came about and it looks quite messy.
The forum has some discussion about this with no clear consensus: 

Arun Ganesh (planemad)
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