There are a number of issues and trade offs.  First JOSM actually does do
validation but many new mappers use id which apparently does not.  If you
look at the numbers about half of the mappers are new mappers to OSM on
this project so we get a great deal of mapping from them.  Some know very
little about computers, some have PhDs in computerized mapping.

Within OSM there are guidelines but nothing stronger on tags.  There is a
feature page which has recommended tags but that is all they are.  HOT
attempts to use more standardized tags.

Currently we put no restriction on what mappers can map.  It might be
sensible to ask new mappers at maperthons to restrict themselves to a
subset such as buildings using JOSM building tool.

I think there is thought being spent at the moment on how to improve
matters, better training videos, what is the best way to make use of the
resources available etc.

It is worth mentioning that the HOT maps are still the best available in
many circumstances.

Cheerio John

On 7 May 2015 at 03:57, Springfield Harrison <> wrote:

>  Hello Dave,
>         This is amazing to see the vast number of invalid tags.  This
> really calls into question the integrity of the database.  Do you have much
> luck getting people to run the validator?
>         I am baffled that the data validation does not take place right
> at the data entry stage.  This is very common in database applications.
> All the critical fields have validation rules so that the operator can
> neither skip the critical fields nor enter data that is not applicable to
> that field.  If JOSM, complex as it is, is lacking input data validation,
> that is a serious failing, in my opinion.  For this type of mission,
> complete and accurate data is critical.  You do not have the luxury of time
> hoping that people will bother with a post entry validation process.
>         I see a discussion about how to label seasonal/intermittent
> streams but there is obviously no standardized tag for this.  How can this
> be?  Who will know that two separate queries will need to be run to
> discover all intermittent or seasonal streams?  Data integrity is
> fundamental to any GIS/database project, but especially for one supporting
> a real-time emergency.
>                  Thanks, Cheers . . . . . . . . Spring
> At 06-05-2015 14:06 Wednesday, Dave Corley wrote:
> This is especially applicable for the second pass tasks that are going on
> right now but should be considered for anyone doing any Nepal tasks using
> When you are mapping / validating a tile, please run the validator before
> you mark the tile as complete. I can promise you, you will find things to
> fix that will improve the data.Â
> Here's a OSMI link showing tagging issues only in the Nepal region
> There are a lot!
> There will be many other issues (unconnected ways, unclosed ways etc etc)
> that are quite quick and easy to fix so please take the extra few mins at
> the end of a tile to improve pre-existing data.Â
> Thanks,Â
> DaveÂ
> aka DaCor
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