Hi Thomas et al,

I've been really interested in the idea of customized editing environments,
which was one of the major ideas behind the OSMLoggingRoads project.

As althio pointed out, iD does expose custom presets and custom imagery in
a really clean, easy way.  It's pretty well documented (here
<https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/tree/master/data/presets>).  You can
also take a look at what we did; most customization is in these lines of
  To see it deployed, navigate to it from our Tasking Manager instance
<http://tasks.loggingroads.org/project/4>.  We've added custom imagery
layers specific to the project, and new presets (we've kept all existing
presets as well, though you could just as easily limit the presets to the
ones relevant to the project).

To customize iD, you'd have to deploy your own instance.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.  I'd really love to see
more customized/specialized workflows for specific projects/feature sets,
building on top of OSM's broad, generalized approach to editing.

On Sun, Jun 7, 2015 at 9:03 AM Thomas Tolloschek <cadde...@lumpaczik.org>

> Hi Stefan,
> > I like the idea too and would like also point to JOSM which can be
> > configured with specific presets, like the one mentioned currently
> > here [1].
> The basic idea not to use JOSM is that as much work as possible should
> be taken from the new users. Like TomNod. Is easy simple and everybody
> without much knowledge can use it.
> And it should be automatically configured by selecting the editor from
> the HOT Taskmanager.
> maybe with an url similar to this
> http://xxx.com?editor=yy&bbox=zz&task=1018
> More experienced or interested users will switch automatically to
> better, more flexible editors like JOSM with all its advantages.
> > iD would be even easier to use, but I think its preset can't be
> > changed like in JOSM (right, Tom?).
> To be honest even if I have a idea in my back i dont want to invent the
> wheel anew :)
> So if its possible to provide dynamic config files out of a database i
> would be happy. The only an administration interface for the database
> and a script which serves the config to the editor will be needed.
> > But before releasing such an editor and HOT preset files, pls.
> >
> > 1. discuss and define common tags needed by HOT and eventually
> > specific to HOT, and
> > 2. help cleanup and update the outdated wiki pages, starting with this
> > HOT wiki homepage [1]?
> > See also the thread on this list about my "Request for information
> > about common set of tags for HOT (Was: OSM Nepal Reponse - Links to
> > various infos)"
> I was allready reading this thred but i had no access to my mailaccounts
> (Yes this still can happen ;)) for the last two weeks :)
> I totally aggree with you that a common set of HOT Tags is definitely a
> prerequisit for a project like this. Without a "newbie" editor is not
> possible.
> Kind regards Thomas
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