Le 30/10/2015 08:36, Russell Deffner a écrit :
> Good day everyone,
> As you may have recently learned, most of our Disaster Mapping
> responses are much more a marathon than sprint. It often takes several
> days to pinpoint where the needs are greatest, but I must say that we
> have been very good at setting our priority areas for mapping during
> these recent responses. Everyone should be very proud of the
> improvements we’ve made to map, allowing for more data driven
> decisions for coordinating response efforts.

Good day Russell,

Thank you for your time and efforts on this activation. However, I think
that you might want to be more careful in your choice of words, and in
particular avoid what might sound like a somewhat awkward comparison
with very experienced and able activation coordinators, such as Pierre
Béland for example. I do remember that you said you were tired shortly
after writing this. :)

Best regards,


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