Excellent and awaited tool in the making!

this tool (or an instance of it) is meant to be linked to  the TM (or an
instance of it) as a 1-1 relation, right?
then this should be reflected in the name.

Why not simply TM-analytics ? (I mean for the tool. And HOT TM-analytics
for the HOT instance).

or taskview/taskmap or TM-dashboard/TM-dashmap.



On 08/04/16 10:01, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
> It's been about a month since we started development of the OSM Data
> Analysis Tool [0] and we are getting very close to have a full
> pre-processing workflow [1] and a sleek front-end user interface [2].
> ...Now we just need a fancy new name for it!
> So, we are asking for your help - witty hotties - and are giving away
> one of the hottest HOT gadgets, the HOT mug [3], which will keep
> coffee hot (or mojito cool?), to who's going to come up with the
> hottest name for the new prototype tool.
> We'll have the polls open until Monday, you can reply with your ideas
> directly in this thread. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak preview
> of the tool in action [4]. Keep in mind that it's all heavy work in
> progress, so expect things not to work as expected, yet.
> Have fun, and mappy Friday!
> Cristiano
> [0] 
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4] 

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