Organising Mapathons to help in Ecuador and Japan is laudable, but the task
at hand poses problems for somebody with a few years of experience like
myself, so how do we expect total beginners to be able to do a good job?

The first part of the solution: stop trying to sell the use of iD as "a
good idea" for these Mapathons. If you want them to have any chance at all
to accomplish doing good work, get them started on JOSM right away.

Next, tell them to focus on one thing, be it clearly visible buildings or
improving alignment of roads. Have them mark the "unlock" button, except if
they are totally confident the task is done and done like it should. I
realise it's not very rewarding if one is not able to mark tasks done, at
least sometimes.

Explain to them that fixing a poorly mapped object takes more time, than
starting over from scratch. That too is extremely unrewarding and it gets
tedious very quickly.


2016-04-21 13:13 GMT+02:00 Suzan Reed <>:

> Friends,
> Poking around and looking at tasks marked Done and Validated in the
> Ecuador Activations in the last hour I discovered:
> Most tasks had building=house or they were not tagged at all but just
> empty areas.
> Few buildings were squared, and few were accurate tracings of the building.
> Roads were attached to Administrative Boundary lines, buildings, or did
> not have a node where they joined another road.
> Roads were not tagged, tagged incorrectly, or not on the image.
> The amount of errors not only on those tasks marked Done, but those
> Validated where the validator did not carefully look at the work was high.
> Maybe there is a team that could take on looking at all the work,
> invalidating where needed, and correcting where they can, and leaving
> comments? I did what I could to quietly make corrections, but the amount of
> work that needs doing needs a team effort.
> Also, I translated my comments online into Spanish and hope this helps as
> well.
> Onward!
> Suzan
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