Hi Russ and others,

we took a page from some of the remarks to the list and our own observations. During out mapping activity today we (19) mostly corrected, redrew and squared buildings for Ecuador (adding a few new ones). Ins short, we concur that another look at the current tasks completed parts is worthwhile.



On 20.04.2016 19:32, Russell Deffner wrote:

Hi Andreas – the wonders of the internet as I think we were both talking with Andrew at the same time, just different channels :)

We will continue to release projects, I expect at least for the next several days, potentially weeks as ‘post-event’ imagery is now being captured and processed (but may be some time before significant coverage to ‘switch’). The Crisis Mappers – Japan team also continues to add projects, so if by some chance there isn’t an Ecuador project, please do feel free to help on others.

More to come, stay tuned and thanks for everyone’s’ assistance!


*From:*Dr. Andreas Reimer [mailto:arei...@posteo.de]
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:59 AM
*To:* hot@openstreetmap.org
*Subject:* Re: [HOT] Mapathons for Ecuador

Hi Russ and Humberto, hi list!

Starting on April 21st (around 2am Ecuador time), I will be gathering 20 GIS-people for further training (Kassel, Germany).

My plan is to train them in JOSM and help with the mapping efforts for Ecuador. Via Andrew buck I am told new imagery will be available soon, with new tasks coming up.

If there is something we can map or re-map/correct ( squaring buildings etc.) from afar, please let us know.

The current projects look they might be finished by 2am, so I want to makes sure we can actually help you this way. If not, just say so. If there is something that needs some more training before being done, we might be able to arrange that. Sadly we have no spanish speakers available.

I will check tonight and tomorrow (German time) early morning for news.
I entered the Mapathon into the list as requested.

All the best,


On 20.04.2016 16:53, Russell Deffner wrote:

    Greetings everyone,

    You can help us coordinate this response!  The easiest way is to
    help us capture ‘dynamic’ information, such as news reports; but
    more importantly – Mapathons.  We typically capture this
    information on an event wiki-page, and we are currently getting
    this one a bit more organized. Right now the wiki is in both
    English and Spanish, and both versions are being updated by the
    teams in their respective languages – so yes, they are different
    at the moment.  So whichever language you are more comfortable
    with, please add your mapathon and news stories, etc. here:
    http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2016_Ecuador_earthquake - or
    more specifically under the Mapping Events section (i.e.

    This will both help people find your event, but also help the
    coordinators know when there will be events, validators to know
    when to expect high volumes of new data/mappers, etc.

    Happy Mapping! (and wiki-editing :)



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