
today I've been validating a lot on project 1836 and found the quality of mapping astonishingly bad. Lots of thiles where the geometry mapped had little in common with the geometry in the imagery. Apart from the usual tagging errors, overlapping shapes etc.

One reason might be that the instructions are only in English and in these projects we might have a lot of contributors who are fluent in Spanish but not in English.

I identified those contributors who systematically made errors and addressed them directly in my tasking manager comment pointing out how they should improve their mapping skills. I did so in both English and Spanish. I reworked a tile with a smaller number of buildings and used the url from the tasking manager to point them there so that they can see how this should be done. Sometimes I include such a url as well when writing through the osm message system.

(osm:michael63) /

john whelan, 2016-04-24 22:04:
Yes but then you need a fair bit of knowledge of JOSM to know that and its a lot easier just to put a @ sign with the comment in the tile, then the person can see what you're talking about. A message sent through OSM isn't as easy for them to see where the problem was.

I have about four JOSM mappers who aren't terribly experienced but are solid enough to do basic validation on other projects and have been doing basic validation in Ecuador. ie validating what the instructions ask for. For them @ in the tile after a <crtl>i to grab the name works well.

Cheerio John

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