African tagging guide?

The highway wiki?

Thanks John

On 22 Nov 2016 8:52 am, "Vao Matua" <> wrote:

> Majka,
> The mapping in this area is comparable to other projects I've seen in
> Tanzania.
> Over-mapping residential areas and paths is kind of overkill, but
> personally I don't think it hurts to have them mapped.
> The bigger concern I have is buildings mapped as lines, that is something
> that should be mentioned to the mappers so they don't continue that habit.
> It is always good to remind new mappers about the Africa tagging guide.
> Thank you for taking on validation of some of these tiles, it can be messy.
> Regards,
> Emmor
> (Palolo)
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 4:22 PM, majka <> wrote:
>> Hello all. Not sure if this is the right place, but let's try it anyway.
>> Could anybody find time to look at task
>> t/1788#task/91 and perhaps few tiles around it and guide me through
>> sorting it out?
>> I tried to validate it, but unlocked it again after correcting obvious
>> errors. Furthermore, I don't expect newbies to untangle it.
>> I think I see clearly water streams crisscrossing here, mapped as
>> highways.
>> What I see what should be corrected
>> NE corner: highway:residential, streams as highway:path or
>> highway:unclassified
>> SE corner: disconnected stream, should be continued from the east tile to
>> the south one
>> few paths probably mapped too enthusiastically, almost non-existent in
>> the imagery
>> disconnect in the highway classification but first has to be the
>> waterway/highway debate cleared
>> residential areas: IMHO, too many. I would map probably 3 or 4 at all -
>> small area NW, bigger area N to NE and one or two in the middle to the
>> south.
>> Anything else?
>> Any tips how to map this part?
>> There seems to be one way how to untangle the waterways - the stream in
>> the NW corner (id:450387995) should be split in the south, and both parts
>> are flowing to this point to the south there. And from there, it is one big
>> maze...
>> In this project, there are several similar tasks. Till now, I have
>> chickened out every time, but it might be time to find my big girl breeches.
>> Thanks,
>> Majka
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