Hi all, I am encouraging people who send out internal bulletins about MSF's
field work to try and link place names to locations on openstreetmap.org to
give readers more context and help people to understand what data is
available in the places we work...

However, where available, place names are rendered in local languages
(Yemen was today's example). I have absolutely no problem with this, but
wondered if there was a way of viewing the map with place names in a
different language if desired?

For example,
http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4509927854#map=11/23.8089/90.3893 but
with English (or French or Arabic) labels...

Is this possible?



*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>

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