Hi Johnattan,

Did you want HOT to ask the larger HOT community to help map or are
you handling most of the mapping with the local osm-pe community?


On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 5:15 AM, Johnattan Rupire <jarja...@riseup.net> wrote:
> El 18/03/17 a las 20:40, maning sambale escribió:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I can prepare the task in the next couple of hours. Some questions
>> What specific features to map? Normally, we focus on one or two features
>> ie building + road or other combinations this makes it easy to map and
>> validate.
> waterways
> road network
> Settlements
> buildings
>> Which imagery to use? Bing or mapbox or others? We usually use a single
>> imagery source to minimize misalignment issues but if one source is not
>> sufficient we can combine others taking note of their alignment issues and
>> date of capture to help temote mappers understand the quality of imagery.
> In some places Bing is better than Mapbox, in others it's the other way...
> than you!
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Blake Girardot
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