

On 21 October 2017 at 11:27, Frans Schutz <> wrote:

> I Suppport this
> Hopefully this will be fixed
> thanks, Frans
> ps John,  are you the same John Whelan, active on the Tranz furums ? :-)
> Op 21-10-2017 om 17:06 schreef john whelan:
> Typically when I validate I validate the most recently mapped tiles first
> working on the principle that the faster feedback the more likely it is to
> be effective.
> If someone has already changed their habits telling them that two villages
> two kilometers apart are probably not connected by a primary highway but by
> a minor road three months after they have mapped is a waste of time.
> I can't see how to do this in TM3.  I need a link to the tiles that have
> been mapped with the most recent at the top.
> Could someone identify this functionality please.  It is important as the
> faster someone is corrected the fewer mistakes they'll make in future.
> Thanks John
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