Further to this, for those that aren't aware, there is this 'commit' on
github, which at least changes the wording of the message even though it
doesn't deal with the other issues raised:

There is also this 'issue':

On 2 November 2017 at 16:35, <ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> I have to say that I too am very unhappy about these “automatic “ messages
> being sent out in my name. I have got 6 of them in my messages at this very
> moment from other validators. They bear no resemblance to the kind of
> message I would send and they are very “patronising”, believing that all
> mappers would be impressed with receiving something as meaningless as
> “awesome”. Especially if they only mapped two or three buildings, or just
> opened the tile to have a look and did not map anything.
> Please stop automated messages as they will be more damaging than good.
> The first few messages may well be received with interest but after about
> four or five meaningless automated messages they are just nuisance value.
> The mappers will benefit more from constructive messaging which can only be
> done on an individual level. They will not be fooled with repetitive
> automated platitudes. It will also not be good for them to receive an
> automated “awesome” and then get a comment saying they have not got it
> quite right and telling them how to square their buildings or tag the
> features correctly.
> If they do opt out of receiving, will they also not receive notification
> when they are tagged in a comment? This would be counter productive if you
> are trying to reach out to someone who needs some guidance to correct
> errors in their work, or a more encouraging comment because their work is
> of such a good standard that I want them to know that and encourage them to
> do more.
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
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