Hi all,

I think people interested in the subject of a building tool in iD should
read a few pages (if not already found and read):

- View of the maintener

- First coding attempt https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/pull/2699

- Ongoing effort

I don't think it is a good idea to create yet another editor only
specialised in building. I very much favour the improvement on existing iD.

For what it worth, I would personally rank a few options here:

1. Building tool within ordinary iD + Custom iD presets for Tasking Manager

2. Building tool within ordinary iD

3. Status quo

4. Forked iD editor

5. Yet another editor, building-only.

On a final but lengthy note, I must stress I do not think it is a good idea
to further separate [Tasking Manager][HOT][humanitarian][projects]-style
mapping and general OpenStreetMap mapping. I like general set of tools and
documentation that can be used for all kinds of purposes.

LearnOSM and Tasking Manager are (in my view) good examples of projects
that already benefit both HOT-centric mappers and general OSM contributors.
I think we must draw a line when a proposition becomes too HOT-specific
*and* at the expense of the general OSM project. For clarity: I would be
opposed to the development of yet another editing tool or an over-emphasis
on humanitarian mapping in generic modules of LearnOSM.

Please understand: I think HOT must be a sub-part of OSM, a part of the
ecosystem, not a separate or oblivious organisation. I feel *this* is an
important part about "HOT's reputation in OSM", as much as data quality.

And about people. The long-term objective of HOT, or Missing Maps, or
partner NGOs, is (I hope...) *not* to gather an army of robot-like
contributors (or "mechanical Turk"-like) that trace only buildings. It
should be rather to introduce new people to OSM and turn some of them into
good OSM citizens and contributors, ready for long-term mapping and
validation, for local mapping & local empowerment, remote projects & data
quality, group activations & crisis assistance.

-- althio aka Ben
previously active in LearnOSM and HOT Training Group
HOT mailing list

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