Note: I'm recreating a categorization of HOT meetings minutes/logs, by
working troup or by year, they are now being collected on hte wiki in
(replace Training by the Working group name)
(ordered by date)
by date, includes also activation pages in that year, replace 2017 for each

I've already collected the minutes for two working groups: Training, and
Activation, the others are being sorted.

This can help have a log of HOT activities and keep track of past
experiences to help building and organizing new activities and activations.

Most of these pages were not categorized, and in fact hard to find. Next
step will probably be to unify the naming scheme, but for now pages are not

Once I have filled the categories for each working group, I may look at
most populated categories to see if we need subcategories (there will
probably be subcategories by year in
(ordered by date)
In which case we would have
(ordered by date)
(also added as a subcategory for
and then there would be only two parent categories instead of 3 for each

I've also organized the new "Category:Disasters" with some disaster types.
Project pages for specific disasters by country/region and dates are also
categorized in their respective categories for the coutry/region and in the
Disaster type category (which have also some relevant subcategories for
tagging or other OSM projects, not just HOT), in order to improve the
cooperation between local teams and other thematic OSM groups or local
For some countries/regions I created a "place" page with geolocation,
wikipedia/wikidata, users/contacts, local meetings, and local projects.

The purpose is to integrate all the efforts that share common needs or
resources (even after the HOT event tracking) to improve the maps and have
all projects followed by larger sets of contributors and make them aware of
ongoing or pending actions, or know that there has been some HOT action in
their area. It can be used as well to study how we all perform together, or
to detect duplicate non-coordinated efforts. This can be used also by HOT
to limit their field of action, or better evaluate what is needed and find
local contacts more easily. It can be used to make statistic analysis,
quality auditing, and so on: the wiki has lots of information which is not
linked to relevant topics.

Note: I include the possibility of coordinating languages (this is a long
project started since months which also helps developping local communities
in their language). I have improved also the number of languages supported
in the wiki (not everything needs translation, but translation of specific
pages is possible at any time and should be linked to other languages for
all contents still not translated). So I have added recently support for
South Asian languages, improved the categorization and linking in India
(soon I'll structure the Bangladesh area). I've made major improvements for
navigating the Caribbeans, Brasil and Mexico. I integrated the recent
events in Oceania and Indonesia. Africa needs more work (but the problem is
to find translators in African languages outside the 3 major languages:
French, English, Arabic, possibly also Portuguese). Some core training
pages are needed for non-Latin written scripts (notably Amharic), but also
for Latin-written languages (Wolof and Lingala for example). Support for
South African languages was also added (but not actual translations: I made
the complex part so that translators and contributors don't have to start
immediately to do the huge work needed to build the structure and align it
to the rest).

I did not forget Europe however (and not just the European Union). In
general I make the structures on the wiki more regularized to help find
relevant topics more immediately. I also resolve various linking problems
people experiment when they try to organize their country/regions (Russia
for example has some basic structure, which is still not uniform, but would
require significant improvement: many "red links" everywhere). But I've
made minimal changes to Russia because there are active contributors on the
wiki that are slowly making this structuration.

And more generalyl I fix various problems reported by Mediawiki itself or
by helper templates that I have solidified. Now the wiki is very solid in
English, French, German and Japanese, it starts being better organized for
Italian, Dutch and Portuguese. Lots of efforts are needed for Russian and
Chinese, but even more for Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Thai, and
Indonesian (Vietnamese is better advanced) to have a good worldwide
coverage with minimum efforts and more accessiblity to OSM projects by
people worldwide. English should not be the single language for everything
(including in India or Southern African countries).
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