+ 1 with John Whelan

Every place already has an "address" simply called latitude, longitude.
The Open Location Code is simply another way of expressing that latitude, longitude.

If some platform wants to provide an interface between OSM data to Open Location Code fine. But I don't expect that the OSM data base will have anything other than latitude, longitude inside it.

On 12/08/18 06:59, john whelan wrote:
I think you have missed a major point.  You do not give anyone an OLC.  It is simply their lat and long encoded in letters.

So every building in the world has a lat and long, it is its location.  This can be expressed as an OLC.

Cheerio John

On Sat, 11 Aug 2018, 4:49 pm Blake Girardot, <bgirar...@gmail.com <mailto:bgirar...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi John,

    I appreciate your thoughtful and informative remarks as always here
    and on the osm-talk thread, especially about the Open Location Code

    I clearly generally agree they are not a perfect solution and I am not
    even sure we know all the possible use cases, but they are a very good
    option at the moment, open source, light weight, easy to implement in

    But I must take exception to your paragraph here:

    > Translation is this allows us to give every dwelling in Africa
    etc its own
    > address.  It is not in itself a complete addressing solution
    since it
    > doesn't handle things like 2nd floor but it does at least take
    you to the
    > building.

    Trying out OLC in some local circumstances, driven from on the ground
    up in that location is fine. If they see a possible usefulness to
    them, by all means I will do everything I can to support them as they
    figure out if it is something of value to the local community.

    But the idea of giving every dwelling in Africa an address is not a
    good way to frame it. We are not giving anyone anything. If people
    wish to use these locally first, or operating locally I will help them
    to the best of my ability.

    But in no way do I feel we are or should be giving "every dwelling in
    Africa etc its own address" and I would like to make that clear from
    the start. This is a potential useful system that seems well suited to
    solve some use cases in some locations but must be really wanted by
    the local community and driven from the ground up, hopefully in
    conjunction with other local actors in the area.

    Cheers John,

    On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 2:55 PM, john whelan
    <jwhelan0...@gmail.com <mailto:jwhelan0...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > Open Location Code or Plus code is just a method of representing
    > and longitude in a more human friendly way.
    > It was originally created by Google but has been released under
    an open
    > licence.
    > It is possible to set osmand to show coordinates as OLC. This
    means it can
    > display the OLC code for any node or building in OpenStreetMap
    and the
    > displayed code can be copied to the clipboard.  No extra tagging is
    > necessary.
    > OSMand will also accept an OLC code for searching purposes.
    > It would seem likely that Nominatim will allow searching by OLC
    in the near
    > future.
    > Translation is this allows us to give every dwelling in Africa
    etc its own
    > address.  It is not in itself a complete addressing solution
    since it
    > doesn't handle things like 2nd floor but it does at least take
    you to the
    > building.
    > To make this work will require training material for example how
    to turn it
    > on in OSMand.  It is not turned on by default.
    > Because it is calculated from the buildings's latitude and
    longitude it is
    > embedded in OSM and will not disappear.  It is stable so you can
    build on
    > it.
    > Now you need to think about how it can be used and what
    additional resources
    > will be required to make full use of it.
    > Cheerio John

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