Hello again OSM community -

Sharing another update from HOT regarding tool development. Last week we
released a new version of a data quality monitoring tool called
MapCampaigner and want to share it more widely here. MapCampaigner is a
tool for tracking and evaluating data quality -- in the form of
completeness of OSM tags -- across an area: https://campaigns.hotosm.org

More details on the hotosm.org blog:

To note a couple things as you look at the tool further:

* Anyone with an OSM username and create a campaign. We do limit the size
of the campaign because behind the scenes we're using an Overpass and are
limited by capacity to handle country-sized campaigns.

* Data updates on an hourly basis only when the campaign is in an active
state -- meaning that the end date is marked in the future.

* We'll be adding back the team tracking functionality in the future. We
wanted to get the updates live for people to use as quick as possible.
Expect to see some functionality added back over the next couple weeks as
we continue to develop.

If you have some feedback or are interested in helping support the
development, we'd be glad to have you join the conversation and contribute.
This month's HOT Tech Working Group
<https://www.hotosm.org/community/working-groups/> meeting (Oct 2 @ 15:00
UTC) will be demo'ing MapCampaigner, reviewing the progress, and discussing
what's next.


Nate Smith
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
@nas_smith <https://twitter.com/nas_smith>
HOT mailing list

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