Hi Serkan,

Glad I could be helpful :)

5 Coordinates because the feature is a polygon and the final coordinate
duplicates the first - closing the polygon.

It might be worth looking at the Task Manager github page to see if there's
any plans to present coordinates via the API. I had a very quick look at
the documentation and couldn't find anything. Calling the API for the above
gives me as follows:

$ curl https://tasks.hotosm.org/api/v1/project/5182/task/2212
{"taskId": 2212, "projectId": 5182, "taskStatus": "VALIDATED",
"taskHistory": [{"action": "STATE_CHANGE", "actionText": "VALIDATED",
"actionDate": "2018-09-27T00:47:25.252277", "actionBy": "Daniel Specht"},
{"action": "LOCKED_FOR_VALIDATION", "actionText": "00:00:55.310139",
"actionDate": "2018-09-27T00:46:29.945085", "actionBy": "Daniel Specht"},
{"action": "STATE_CHANGE", "actionText": "MAPPED", "actionDate":
"2018-09-19T07:12:13.214061", "actionBy": "Roger Hoorens"}, {"action":
"COMMENT", "actionText": "Nothing visible", "actionDate":
"2018-09-19T07:12:13.212650", "actionBy": "Roger Hoorens"}, {"action":
"LOCKED_FOR_MAPPING", "actionText": "00:00:53.869298", "actionDate":
"2018-09-19T07:11:19.347707", "actionBy": "Roger Hoorens"}],
"perTaskInstructions": "", "isUndoable": false}

I don't know if that would be more useful to you if it contained those

Cheers, Joseph

On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 at 16:03, Serkan Karakulak <sk7...@nyu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Joseph,
> Thanks a lot, this was exactly what we needed indeed! Much appreciated,
> thank you for your help.
> Is there a reason that there are five coordinates for the tile btw,
> instead of four?
> Best,
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 10:10 AM Joseph Reeves <iknowjos...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Serkan,
>> I've not looked into this properly, but a quick look at a project on the
>> Task Manager shows I can find a validated square:
>> https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/5182?task=2212#bottom
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tasks.hotosm.org_project_5182-3Ftask-3D2212-23bottom&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=9jC6quPZN0RnI866qaQhEg&m=9OlRe6xcyrgpxFqRTDdxQpAT2MxJY1U8BQHF1Eb916Y&s=NIrWuzEqTDWUx8Q-ooCep6LppJk6vUeKNdCqzT4CpM0&e=>
>> This task 2212 appears in the project geojson, and marked as validated:
>> https://tasks.hotosm.org/api/v1/project/5182/tasks?as_file=true
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tasks.hotosm.org_api_v1_project_5182_tasks-3Fas-5Ffile-3Dtrue&d=DwMFaQ&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=9jC6quPZN0RnI866qaQhEg&m=9OlRe6xcyrgpxFqRTDdxQpAT2MxJY1U8BQHF1Eb916Y&s=iYZA-4J-uBIDT8C04bnsXvJKvA_NZKlkdkaT88KckfI&e=>
>> I've not double checked this is what you want, but looks like a good
>> place to start:
>> "type": "MultiPolygon"}, "properties": {"taskId": 2212, "taskSplittable":
>> true, "taskStatus": "VALIDATED", "taskX": 30348, "taskY": 34875,
>> "taskZoom": 16}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates":
>> [[[[-13.2934570288688, 11.4907909783363], [-13.2879638648073,
>> 11.4907909783363], [-13.2879638648073, 11.4961739900467],
>> [-13.2934570288688, 11.4961739900467], [-13.2934570288688,
>> 11.4907909783363]]]],
>> Cheers, Joseph
>> On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 at 03:47, Serkan Karakulak <sk7...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am a graduate student in a Data Science program, and I wanted to get
>>> in touch with you because me and my two other friends are interested in
>>> working on a machine learning project to map areas using their satellite
>>> images and produce their labels. If we obtain a high accuracy, we thought
>>> it could be of use to the hotosm and the missingmaps initiatives.
>>> I have first heard about Missing Maps when I came across a mapathlon
>>> event two years ago in Istanbul. We were in search for a class project for
>>> one of our courses and I remembered about the mapathlon event and we would
>>> be very happy if we could contribute to the this wonderful initiative.
>>> There are already some previous successful works on this subject, so we are
>>> very hopeful that we could come up with an algorithm with high accuracy.
>>> In order to develop the model, we need to extract bounding boxes of the
>>> validated tiles we see at hotosm. Then we will extract the satellite images
>>> and their labels using the label-maker API which is developed by DevSeed.
>>> Is there a method to extract the coordinates of these validated tiles?
>>> Thank you for your time and help.
>>> Best,
>>> Serkan
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